Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

gorithm [Hart, 1968]. As adaptative learning algorithms 
we have chosen DSM [Geva & Sitte, 1991] -Decision Sur- 
face Mapping- and LVQ-1 [Kohonen, 1990] -Learning Vec- 
tor Quantization, version 1-. The values of the para- 
meters involved in LVQ-1 learning have been estim- 
ated by using two algorithms proposed by the au- 
thors [Cortijo & Pérez de la Blanca, 1996b]. 
Now we can apply the 1-NN classifier using the reference set 
learned by these algorithms. We will note by 1-NN (74) 
to the 1-NN classifier that uses Tm as reference set, that 
is, the multiedited training set. Following this notation, 
if Tuc is the multiedited-condensed training set, then 1- 
NN (7x c) is the 1-NN classifier that uses Tmc as reference 
set. To apply DSM learning it is required that the training 
set to be previously edited [Geva & Sitte, 1991]. We have 
used Tu as initial set for DSM learning. Now if Tpsm 
is the reference set after DSM learning, 1-NN (7psx) is 
the 1-NN classifier that uses Tpsm as reference set. Fi- 
nally, if Tzvg-1 is the reference set after LVQ-1 learning, 
1-NN (7zvQ-1) is the 1-NN classifier that uses TLv@-1 as 
reference set. More details about these algorithms can be 
found in [Cortijo & Pérez de la Blanca, 1996a]. 
2.2 Contextual Classifiers 
The contextual classifiers we have tested are based in the 
assumption of a Markov random field to model the prior dis- 
tribution of the labels in the image. Stochastic models and 
random fields (RF) in particular represent accurately inform- 
ation a priori on the map. This information can be used in 
such a way that the Bayes decision theory can be applied. 
A random field is a joint probability distribution imposed on 
a set of M random variables L = {L1,..., Lu } represent- 
ing objects of interests that imposes statistical dependence in 
a spatially meaningful way. In contextual classification each 
L; € Q. The spatial dependence can be specified by a global 
model such as the Gibbs random field (GRF). A GRF describes 
the global propertied of an image in terms of the joint distri- 
bution of labels for all pixels [Dubes & Jain, 1989]. A Markov 
random field (MRF) is defined in terms of local properties. 
It is needed to fix a neighborhood system in which the spa- 
tial dependence is relevant. Two neighborhood systems are 
mainly used, the first order neighborhood which includes the 
four-nearest-spatial-neighbors, and the second order neigh- 
borhood which includes the eight-nearest-spatial-neighbors. 
Given a set of observations, X = x, and the contextual in- 
formation modeled as a MRF, P(L — l), in a Bayesian con- 
text the objective is to find the estimator Í which maximizes 
equation 1, that is, the a posteriori probability of L — i given 
> =u 
PL=1|X=g)= (1) 
This is known as the MAP (maximum a posteriori) method. 
The model relating observation x to labeling / is chosen to 
ensure that the posterior distribution of L, given X — z, is 
also a MRF. If we require conditional independence of the 
observed random variables. given the true labels, it is enough 
to ensure that the posterior distribution is also a MRF. Thus 
we assume that 
PX=c|L=l=][PXi=a|Li=t) (2 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
If both P(X = x | L = 1) and P(L = [) are known we 
can compute L which maximizes the MAP by applying equa- 
tion 1. In the practice it is clear that even if M and J are 
low it is not possible to calculate directly the MAP as given 
in equation 1. To circumvent this problem some alternat- 
ives are available to estimate the MAP [Dubes & Jain, 1989]. 
The first approximation consists in the simulated anneal- 
ing algorithm [Geman & Geman, 1984] which find MAP es- 
timates for all pixels simultaneously. As the computational 
demands of this algorithm are considerable there are two 
computationally feasible approximations to the MAP estim- 
ate: a) the ICM algorithm (iterated conditional modes) 
and b) the MPM algorithm (maximizer of posterior margin- 
als). A detailed discussion on these methods can be found 
in [Dubes & Jain, 1989] and references therein. We will cen- 
ter our interest in the ICM algorithm [Besag, 1986] which 
has been demonstrate to have an excellent trade-off between 
the accuracy of the contextual correction and the required 
computational effort [Cortijo, 1995]. 
Another approximation to contextual correction using a MRF 
consists in point-to-point contextual correction methods. 
They are based in complex conditioned-probability models 
which are extensions of the MAP expression given in equa- 
tion 1 by adding an additional term, the contextual cor- 
rection factor, into the denominator of the MAP expres- 
sion [Sæbg et al., 1985]. Assuming conditional independence 
of the feature vectors (observations) in a spatial neighbor- 
hood two models can be adopted [Saebg et al., 1985]: a) the 
Welch and Salter, Haslett's model and b) the Owen and 
Switzer's model. We have tested both models in this work. 
Contextual classifiers accept as input the classifications ob- 
tained by the 8 spectral classifiers described in section 2.1, 
so we have performed 24 additional classifications for each 
The data used to test the performance of the classifiers are two 
LANDSAT images, landscapes from Greenland, Denmark’. 
The first image is a LANDSAT-2 MSS image of the lga- 
liko region. The second is a LANDSAT-5 TM image of 
the Ymer @ region. Both images are 512 x 512 pixels in 
size. The training sets have been selected by expert geolo- 
gists [Conradsen et al., 1987] and their spectral distribution 
represent different problematics. 
In Igaliko we have five classes to discriminate, the training 
set size is 42796 samples and there is a slight overlapping 
in the the spectral distribution of the training samples. In 
Ymer @ we have twenty classes to discriminate, the train- 
ing set size is 12574 samples and there is a high over- 
lapping in the spectral distribution of the training samples. 
See [Conradsen et al., 1987] for more details. 
In this work we have adopted the test sample estimation to 
measure the accuracy of the classifications. The training set, 
T is splited into two disjoint sets: 7" (learning set) and 7" 
(test set). 7! has been built by selecting randomly 2/3 of the 
available training samples; the remainder are placed into Tt 
We use the learning set to construct the classifier and the test 
set for testing. In tables 1 and 2 we show the learning and 
test set sizes for each dataset. 
!We must thank to the IMM (Denmak University of Technology, Lyn- 
gby, Denmark) for providing the LANDSAT images used in this work. 
In table 3 
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