Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

d", b I son M nudis E sins 
= INS 
2 g E^ ues V nio 
= Strapdown » 
S INS - (8r^,5v',e" d^ b^ 
5 o' Mechanization 
= ib 
5 » A 
2 position 
2 velocity 
: UPDATE attitude 
r INS» Vans 
phase, Doppler correct GPS calibration 
seudorange measure- 
p g N ments FILTER 
(6r', öv‘) 
Cycle Slip 
phase, Doppler 
E Vers 
Figure 1: Block Diagram of Sensors Integration 
of the problem can be supplied by a precise attitude/positioning 
system. Furthermore, direct exterior orientation allows the 
georeferencing of remotely sensed data in near real time (Schwarz et 
al. 1993). 
Position and attitude accuracies needed are application dependent. 
The horizontal and vertical accuracy on the ground is mainly 
determined by the accuracy of the cartographic reproduction process 
and the contourline interval of the maps. The contourline interval is 
mainly dependent of the scale of the maps and the slope of the terrain 
and can range from 1 m to several tenths of meters. Assuming that 
contourlines are not allowed to intersect, the vertical accuracy has to 
be at least half of the contourline interval (Schwidefsky/Ackermann 
1976). The cartographic reproduction quality is determined by the 
map production facilities and therefore might range from 0.1- 
0.25 mm. These requirements can be much more stringent if remote 
sensing is applied for cadastral point determination or engineering 
tasks. In this case position accuracies better than 10 cm are required 
in object space. Taking these positioning accuracies into account the 
Map Scale / Horizontal Vertical Attitude 
Application Accuracy Accuracy Accuracy 
[m] [m] [107 deg] 
1:50 000 10 8 35 
1:25000 5 4 30 
1:5000 1 0.75 15 
Point <0.1 «0.1 5 
Table 1: Required Positioning and Attitude Accuracies 
(RMS Values) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
required accuracies for the attitudes can be calculated. The attitude 
parameters are mainly dependent on the flying height abouve ground 
and the focal lenght of the sensor. Assuming a wide-angle aerial 
camera attitude accuracies as given in Table 1 are necessary for the 
orientation process. 
Two accuracy classes will be considered in the following. For 
cadastral or precise engineering projects, accuracies have to be at the 
sub-decimetre level for position and at the level of five milli-degrees 
or better for attitude. For mapping applications at the scale of 
1:10000 and smaller and for many resource mapping applications 
with multi-spectral scanners, accuracies at the level of one metre or 
less for position and of a few tenths of a degree for attitude are 
sufficient. In this paper the potential of integrated GPS/INS systems 
is evaluated for the direct determination of the exterior orientation 
parameters for these levels of accuracy. 
In the described test, the feasibility of directly determined exterior 
orientation parameters is evaluated in two steps. First, the in-flight 
orientation accuracy and position of the integrated GPS/INS is 
assessed by comparing it to orientation parameters independently 
determined by inverse photogrammetry, i.e. by using a large number 
of accurate ground control points to determine position and attitude 
parameters at aircraft level from the image measurements. Second, 
coordinates of pre-surveyed check points on the ground are 
determined by georeferencing independent models whose exterior 
orientation has been derived from the integrated GPS/INS system. 
In order to obtain the best positioning/attitude performance, the INS 
data are integrated with GPS double differential measurements in a 
decentralized Kalman filter configuration (Figure 1). The GPS filter 
is independent of the INS filter and its output is used to update the 
INS error states. The double difference pseudorange, carrier phase 
and phase rate observations form the measurement vector in the 
GPS filter. Its output (i.e. position and velocity) is taken as a set of 
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