photograph was taken in 1985. The 1:10 000 Ordnance
Survey map of the same area represented on the photograph
was used to digitise the field boundaries. This map was
surveyed at 1:2 500 scale between 1969-72 and revised for
significant changes in 1973, the publication date is 1975.
The vector file obtained was processed as described in
section 2.1. The maximum resolution on a map is 0.2mm,
therefore a precision greater than 2m can not be expected
from a measurement taken from a 1:10 000 map. This means
that even if a resolution smaller than 2m per pixel is used,
this will not increase the accuracy of the measurements made
on the digital map. Taking this into account and at the same
time trying to minimise the amount of data to be processed,
both the map and the image were scaled to a pixel size of
3.92m, thus resulting in a -660x660 pixel image. In this case
the highest point on the photograph has a height of 100m,
even if this point was at the extremity of the photograph
where the relief distortion is maximum, this distortion would
be 0.6mm, which corresponds to 1.4 pixels on the digital
image. Since the image was reduced 8 times, this distortion
is irrelevant. The digital photograph was prepared using the
procedure described in section 2.1: it was smoothed,
thresholded, the edge detector was applied and finally the
smallest polygons were removed from the image. The results
of each step of this process are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 3 shows both the image and the map prepared for the
matching process, the polygons are numbered according to
the order used to read them. A record of the frequencies of
the directions between neighbouring pixels, the frequencies of
the change in direction segments, the area of the polygon, the
perimeter of its boundary, the width and height of the
bounding rectangle and the coordinates of the centre of
gravity of each polygon were derived. Figure 4 shows an
example of the information recorded for one of the polygons
represented in the Isle of Wight image.
Polygon number = 1
perimeter = 135
area = 227
Code=61 31 13 39 13 3 |
Differences = 93 23 1 0 0 0 017
Width of bounding rectangle = 65
Height of bounding rectangle = 9
Centre of gravity (X) 2377.8
Centre of gravity (Y) 2 3.6
Figure 4. Information extracted from a polygon
represented in the Isle of Wight image
A program was written to compare the information relating
to each of the polygons extracted from the map and from the
image. For each polygon in the map differences were
computed between each of its attribute values and the
corresponding attribute values for all polygons in the image.
After adding all the differences, the minimum value was
found and the pair of polygons that correspond to that
minimum is considered matched. As mentioned by
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Figure3. The Isle of Wight map and the image prepared for
Abbasi-Dezfouli and Freeman the chain code approach
followed in this study is very often a reliable way to
distinguish between different shapes. However the method
by itself is not infallible and the other parameters used to
characterise a polygon should provide the information to
compensate for a possible uncertainty derived by the
frequencies of the chain code direction segments and change
in direction, if these frequencies were used alone.
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