Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

o dimensional set of 
perspective view of 
| the residuals on the 
acements which are 
1e orientation of the 
1ethods whereby the 
nd removed using a 
/S also have an effect 
number of important 
jn system. There is 
work to be done to 
the algorithms and 
data to be used. The 
the polygon edge 
yws matching to take 
nces in the actual 
is to be made which 
| perspective can be 
so show that a large 
racted and provided 
is a good distribution 
'tained to allow three 
na 1996 
dimensional absolute orientation of two dimensional 
The method described will be developed in an European 
Union 4th Framework project involving University College 
London, The Technical University of Stockholm, University 
of Stuttgart, University of Oporto, Swedish Space 
Corporation and Earth Observation Sciences Ltd. This work 
will concentrate on refining the algorithms already developed, 
automated the areas at present done manually and developing 
new algorithms to handle other types of data such as radar. 
Abbasi-Dezfouli M and Freeman T, 1994. Patch matching in 
stereo-images bases on shape. International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
Gülch E, 1995. Automatic Control Point Measurement. 
Photogrammetric Week '95. Wichmann, 
Heidelberg. Pp185-196. 
Holmes A, 1994. The accuracies and application of forest 
change detection algorithms for Ordnance Survey. 
MSc report, University of London. 64 pages. 
Maitre H, Wu Y, 1989. A Dynamic Programming Algorithm 
for Elastic Registration of Distorted Pictures Based 
on Autoregressive Model, IEEE Transactions on 
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 37( 2). 
Morgado A, 1996. Automated Procedures for Orientation of 
Digital Images. PhD Thesis, Univesrity of London. 
252 pages. 
Newton, W Gurney C, Sloggett D, Dowman I, 1994. An 
approach to the automated identification of forests 
and forest change in remotely sensed images. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, 30(3):607-614. 
Vohra V and Dowman I, 1996. Automated extraction of large 
buildings from high resolution satellite images for 
regsitartion with a map. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31(3) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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