Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

tuple size #trials for an error rate of 
n 20% | 30% | 40% 50% 
3 2.0 2.9 4.6 8.0 
4 2.4 4.2 17 16.0 
5 3.1 5.9 12.9 320 
10 9.3 | 35.4 | 165.4 | 1024.0 
Table 1: Mean number of trials required to randomly select 
a perfect n-tuple of detected landmarks. 
above). Moreover, about 20% of the detections typically 
represent manhole covers which are visible in the image but 
which are not included in the cadastral database, for several 
reasons. Thus, we have to expect that only about 60% of all 
detections actually correspond with a cadaster landmark (i.e. 
the “error” rate here is about 40%). This clearly favors the 
use of small-sized constellations in order to keep the number 
of random trials as small as possible. 
To enable the precomputation of all database constellations 
we have to restrict the resulting combinatorics. This is done 
by constraining the pairwise distances of the constellation 
landmarks. Thus, for a given database landmark we only 
have to consider its neighbors located within a certain mini- 
mum and maximum distance in order to construct all possible 
constellations. Searching for the neighbors can be supported 
by using a spatial index provided by a spatial database. Ad- 
ditionally, for a triple we demand that the three altitudes of 
the “triangle” represented by the three landmarks also exceed 
the minimum distance threshold. The purpose of this rule is 
to exclude nearly collinear tuples which would lead to less 
reliable estimates for the orientation. 
Since we deal with nearly vertical imaging conditions and 
with more or less flat urban areas, in a first approximation 
distances can be assumed to be “invariant” up to a common 
scaling factor. Thus, the minimum and maximum distance 
thresholds can be transformed to pixel distances knowing the 
approximate value of the image scale and the pixel size. Using 
the scaled distance thresholds we can construct image con- 
stellations in the same way as described for the database con- 
stellations. The distance thresholds should be small enough 
to effectively restrict the total number of valid constellations 
in the precomputation phase. They should be large enough 
to ensure that we can find a sufficient number of detections 
within the resulting search area in the image, giving a suf- 
ficiently high probability for constructing perfect image con- 
stellations. In general, we can assume that the deviations 
from vertical geometry are sufficiently small to ensure that 
for a valid database constellation there exists a valid image 
constellation—provided that the involved landmarks are ac- 
tually detected in the image—and vice versa. However, we 
have to accept that we will miss some constellation matches 
due to the uncertainties resulting from deviations from ver- 
tical imaging, from neglecting elevation variations, and from 
the limited accuracy of the cadastral coordinates. 
3.4. Candidate Selection Through Indexing 
As mentioned above, our approach includes an efficient candi- 
date selection mechanism which is based on indexing through 
certain geometric properties of the constellations. While, in 
principle, this technique is applicable to both, triples as well 
as five-tuples, there are some arguments which favor the use 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
of triples here. In order to justify our decision to use triples in 
our final implementation, we discuss these arguments below. 
It is well known that for a set of correct correspondences the 
positions in the image and in the world are related by a pro- 
jective transformation; moreover, we know that there exist 
certain geometric properties of point constellations which are 
invariant under perspective projection, e.g. the cross-ratio of 
four collinear or five coplanar points. Thus, using five-tuples 
(and assuming that the 3D-coordinates of the landmarks do 
not deviate from a plane too much) would suggest to use 
their cross-ratio as indexing key. In this case, we would pre- 
compute the cross-ratio for all database constellations and 
make according entries in an index table. In the matching 
phase we would compute the cross-ratio for each given image 
constellation and use it as an index to this table (see (Meer 
et al., 1993) and (Lenz & Meer, 1994) for an instructive 
discussion on the use of projective invariants for matching). 
However, due to the uncertainties mentioned above and due 
to geometric similarities that might occur among the individ- 
ual constellations, we have to accept that there is no unique 
relationship between image constellations and database con- 
stellations. While, in our application, this holds for most 
kinds of geometric properties, the use of the cross-ratio en- 
tails some specific problems: First, requiring a number of five 
landmarks per constellation increases the mean number of 
random trials required in the matching process (see above). 
Second, using the full degrees of freedom provided by a per- 
spective projection does not reflect the strong restrictedness 
of the nearly vertical imaging geometry. As a consequence, 
the matching algorithm will be faced with some additional 
ambiguities which could be excluded under the assumption of 
almost affine conditions. And third, the uncertainties men- 
tioned above will lead to non-ideal correspondences of the 
cross-ratio values to be compared. While this is inevitable, 
we have to note that it is hard to assess distances of ratios 
due to their highly non-linear nature. 
Therefore, we prefer to use triples instead of five-tuples in 
our matching approach and decided to implement an index- 
ing method based on their ordered set of landmark distances. 
Using only three landmarks gives a low number of random 
trials required; analyzing their (scaled) distances does reflect 
the restricted imaging conditions quite well; and it is also 
more obvious how to evaluate Euclidean distances between 
points than distances of cross-ratios. The implemented in- 
dexing mechanism proceeds as follows: To get a unique rep- 
resentation for a given triple we first put the three coordinates 
in a counter-clockwise circular order according to their spa- 
tial arrangement and compute the distances between each 
point and its successor (in the case of image landmarks, the 
pixel distances are transformed into world distances by scal- 
ing with the approximately known scaling factor). Finally, 
we create a linear list of the three distances following the 
counter-clockwise order of the points and starting with the 
largest distance value. This gives a uniquely defined distance 
vector carrying its largest element in the first place. For the 
database triples we use this vector to create a three-level index 
table. Thus, given a triple of image landmarks we compute 
its associated distance vector and use this for indexing the 
candidate table which requires three table access operations. 
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