There are three types of positioning information which can be
extracted from GPS satellite signals; pseudorange (code),
carrier phase, and phase rate (Doppler Frequency). Due to the
high accuracy required for aerotriangulation, GPS phase
measurements are needed to meet the accuracy requirement. In
order to eliminate the effects of systematic errors introduced by
GPS, double difference GPS phase measurements are used. The
reason is that most GPS errors affecting GPS accuracy are
highly correlated over a certain area and can be eliminated or
reduced. The observation equation for DGPS phase
measurement is given as (Lachapelle et al., 1992):
VA® = VAp + VA dy + AVAN — VA dion + VA duo + EVA® (1)
VA isthe double difference notation,
® is the carrier beat phase measurement in cycles,
p is the distance from satellite to the receiver,
dp is the orbital error,
X is the carrier wave length,
N is the integer carrier beat phase ambiguity,
dion is the ionospheric error
dwop 18 the tropospheric error
€ is the receiver noise and multipath.
The terms VA dy, VAdi,,, and VA dy, are generally small or
negligible for short monitor-remote distances (e.g. «10-20 km).
However, the term VAd, has become more significant due to
Selective Availability (SA) and may have some negative effects
on integer carrier ambiguity recovery. The satellite and receiver
clock errors are eliminated using DGPS method but the receiver
noise is amplified by a factor of 2. The phase observable is used
extensively in kinematic mode where the initial ambiguity
resolution can be achieved using static initialization or “ On
The Fly “ methods. Accuracy at the centimeter level can be
obtained if cycle slips can be detected and recovered (Cannon,
1990). The accuracy of kinematic DGPS is a function of the
following factors (Lachapelle, 1992):
- Separation between the monitor and the remote station
- The effect of Selective Availability
- The receiver characteristics and ionospheric conditions
The main purpose of aerial triangulation (AT) is the
determination of ground coordinates for a large number of
terrain points and the exterior orientation parameters of aerial
photographs using as few control points as possible. The best
scenario in mapping projects is to have the exterior orientation
parameters accurate enough so that the AT can be neglected.
The GPS accuracy for attitude parameters is about 15 arc
minutes and still far from what could be obtained from a
conventional block adjustment. Therefore, aerial triangulation is
still one of the important steps in mapping and can not be
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
The integration of GPS measurements with photogrammetric
blocks allows for the accurate determination of the coordinates
of the exposure stations resulting in a reduction of the number
of ground control points to a minimum. The combined
adjustment of photogrammetric data and GPS observations can
be carried out by introducing GPS observation equations to the
conventional block adjustment (Ebadi and Chapman, 1995).
Empirical investigations (FrieB , 1991) showed that, in addition
to the high internal accuracy of GPS aircraft positions, (0 =2
cm) drift errors may occur due to the ionospheric and
tropospheric errors, satellite orbital errors, and uncertainty of
the initial ambiguity. Out of the mentioned remaining errors,
incorrect carrier phase ambiguities contribute the majority of
the drift errors to the exposure station position.
The inherent geometry of a block and the common tie points in
consecutive strips make it possible to recover all three rotation
angles in the combined block adjustment. Unfortunately, this
method can not be used for a single strip, since the GPS
coordinates of the exposure stations do not recover the roll
angle of the aircraft. As a consequence, control introduced by
airborne-GPS leaves an ill-conditioned, if not singular system
of normal equations. Ground control points can be used along
the flight line to overcome this problem.
A new technique for GPS controlled strip triangulation was
developed based on geometric constraints of man-made
structures (e.g. high voltage towers, high-rise buildings) located
along the flight line. The observation equations for these
constraints with proper weight are introduced to the combined
strip adjustment. The constraint observation equation for a high
voltage tower is written as:
rx | [xi] [00]
lv. Lv. foo] (2)
(X;,Y;) are the horizontal coordinates of the top of the
(X;,Y;) are the horizontal coordinates of the bottom of the
The weights for these equations should be appropriately chosen
because the top and the bottom of the structure must have the
same horizontal coordinates. However, the absolute ground
coordinates of the structure are not required since the top and
the bottom of the structure are similar to horizontal pass points.
The main idea is to use a number of towers along the flight line
in order to recover the roll angle of the aircraft and use these
constraints to minimize the number of ground control points.
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