Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

of unknowns. In the conventional approach, the exterior 
orientation parameters are estimated only for so-called ori- 
entation points Ix, which are introduced at certain time 
intervals, e.g. once for every 1000'^ readout cycle. In 
between, the parameters of each 3-line image I; are ex- 
pressed as polynomial functions of the parameters at the 
neighbouring orientation points (Ebner et al. 1994). While 
this approach reduces the number of unknown exterior ori- 
entation parameters to a reasonable amount, its inherent 
disadvantage is that the estimated position parameters are 
not associated with a physical model of the spacecraft tra- 
3.2 Combined Approach 
To overcome this drawback, the bundle adjustment algo- 
rithm is supplemented by a rigorous dynamical modeling 
of the spacecraft motion to take orbital constraints into ac- 
count. The camera position parameters æ“(t) which have 
been estimated so far at certain time intervals, are now 
expressed by the 6 parameters of the epoch state vector 
yo and additional force model parameters p: 
e^ (t) — e(t, yo, p) (2) 
The force model parameters p may comprise e.g. the drag 
coefficient. Figure 2 demonstrates the combined approach, 
which exploits the fact that the spacecraft proceeds along 
an orbit trajectory and all camera positions lie on this 
trajectory, when estimating the spacecraft’s epoch state 
Epoch State Vector y, and A Priori 
Covariance Cov(y,) 
Predicted Trajectory 
Estimation of y, by Combined 
Adjustment wv. Improved 
Figure 2: Combined approach for the reconstruction of 
the exterior orientation of 3-line images (Montenbruck et 
al. 1994) 
Compared to the conventional approach the combined ap- 
proach has essential advantages, which can be summarized 
as follows: 
e Full utilization of the information content of the 
tracking data in a statistically consistent way 
e À reduced number of unknown parameters 
e Accuracy improvements for the photogrammetric re- 
sults as well as the epoch state vector 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Statistically, the resulting estimation procedure is equiva- 
lent to a combined orbit determination and bundle adjust- 
ment from tracking data and 3-line image data. 
Due to the lack of a dynamical model describing the cam- 
era's attitude behaviour during an imaging sequence, it is 
not possible to introduce attitude constraints into the bun- 
dle adjustment in a similar way as the orbital constraints. 
To this end, the concept of orientation points is maintained 
for the camera's attitude. The attitude 
0(t) 2 0(t,0) (3) 
of the camera can be represented by the attitude vector © 
at selected orientation points. Based on (1), (2) and (3), 
the image coordinates may finally be written as 
u = uU) = u(t2,99,5,0) . (4) 
The mathematical model of the combined approach is de- 
scribed in detail in Montenbruck et al. (1994) and Ohlhof 
4.1 Preprocessing 
The first step in the photogrammetric processing chain 
is the determination of conjugate points in the images. 
Digital image matching is an appropriate technique to au- 
tomatically determine these points. Before starting the 
matching procedure, the image strip of the nadir looking 
CCD array was resampled by factor 3 to obtain the same 
pixel size in all 3 strips. Using the least squares region- 
growing matching algorithm (Heipke et al. 1996) about 
14000 conjugate points were found. The standard devi- 
ations of the image coordinates were assumed to be 0.3 
In the area covered by the 3 image strips 79 DGPS-derived 
natural ground control points (GCP) were available with 
a standard deviation of 0.1m in X, Y and Z. 75 points 
were identified and measured in the images by Baltsavias 
(1995). Due to difficulties with the localization of the 
points, the standard deviations of the measured image co- 
ordinates were chosen to 0.5 pixel. 
During the D2 mission tracking was routinely performed 
using the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System 
(TDRSS). The orbit determination for orbit #75B is based 
on 900 S-Band Doppler measurements with a sampling 
rate of 10s covering about 180 minutes. The force mod- 
eling comprises the drag coefficient and 5 parameters de- 
scribing perturbations caused by the attitude thruster sys- 
tem. The pure statistical standard deviations of the epoch 
state vector components were 30 m in X,Y, Z, whereas un- 
modeled effects resulting from the attitude thruster system 
contribute an additional error of up to 50m in X,Y and 
Z (Braun, Reigber 1994). 
A major problem arose from the fact that the image 
recording times could only approximately be related to 
the time scale UTC of the orbit and attitude information. 
Since no parameter for the time offset exists in the bundle 
adjustment algorithm, a realistic weighting matrix for the 
epoch state vector components has been derived relaxing 
the orbital 
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