Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

n procedure is equiva- 
ion and bundle adjust- 
image data. 
el describing the cam- 
maging sequence, it is 
nstraints into the bun- 
he orbital constraints. 
n points is maintained 
| (3) 
the attitude vector © 
d-on-(1), (2) and (3), 
e written as 
1,2,94,5,9). (4) 
1bined approach is de- 
al. (1994) and Ohlhof 
ON MOMS-02/D2 
etric processing chain 
points in the images. 
rate technique to au- 
Before starting the 
p of the nadir looking 
3 to obtain the same 
> least squares region- 
ke et al. 1996) about 
. The standard devi- 
re assumed to be 0.3 
trips 79 DGPS-derived 
P) were available with 
,Y and Z. 75 points 
| images by Baltsavias 
he localization of the 
he measured image co- 
s routinely performed 
elay Satellite System 
or orbit #75B is based 
ents with a sampling 
utes. The force mod- 
and 5 parameters de- 
> attitude thruster sys- 
leviations of the epoch 
n X,Y, Z, whereas un- 
titude thruster system 
o to 50m in X,Y and 
fact that the image 
imately be related to 
| attitude information. 
et exists in the bundle 
sighting matrix for the 
been derived relaxing 
ina 1996 
the orbital constraints in the along-track direction (Gill et 
al. 1995). 
Attitude information was derived from gyro recordings of 
the IMU of the shuttle Guidance Navigation and Control 
System. Based on approximation tests the optimum dis- 
tance between two orientation points was found to be 4615 
rows, corresponding to a flight distance of 62.3km and a 
flight time of 9.1s. 
4.2 Combined Adjustment 
The combined adjustment was performed in the geocen- 
tric coordinate system WGS84. The DGPS-derived GCP 
were divided into two groups. The first group consists of 
12 GCP, where 3 points each are located in the corners of 
the threefold overlapping area to ensure a precise defini- 
tion of the global datum. The second group comprises 63 
geometrically well distributed points which were used as 
check points. 
The following data were introduced as observations: 
e [mage coordinates of 13 959 conjugate points 
(c0 0.3 pixel) 
e [mage coordinates of 12 GCP (e —0.5 pixel) 
e Image coordinates of 63 check points (c —0.5 pixel) 
e Object coordinates of 12 GCP (ox = oy = 0z = 
e Epoch state vector components with associated 6x6 
weighting matrix 
e Attitude parameters (Ç,n, 4) at 8 orientation points 
(0, 204 99: 507) 
In Table 2 the rms values of the theoretical standard devi- 
ations of the check point coordinates X, Y and Z and the 
corresponding empirical values are presented. The the- 
oretical values were computed from the inverted normal 
equation matrix and the a posteriori Go value of the com- 
bined adjustment. The empirical values were derived by 
comparing the estimated object coordinates of the check 
points and the known values. 
MOMS #75B theor. | empir. 
Hg [m] 113 9.3 
hy m). | 133. D. 10.2 
la in] |. 89€), 112 
PEYZ [m] 11.2 10.3 
Table 2: Rms values pix, y, Hz and uzyz OË the the- 
oretical standard deviations derived from 63 check points 
and corresponding empirical values 
The good correspondence between the theoretical and the 
empirical values indicates the correctness of the stochas- 
tic and the functional model. The empirical values show 
that accuracies of about 10m (0.7 pixel) in X, Y and Z 
were achieved. Note that these accuracies are related to 
the global WGS84 coordinate system. The empirical ac- 
curacy referring to a local topocentric coordinate system 
amounts to 11.8m in planimetry and 7.3 m in height. The 
planimetric accuracy is impaired by localization problems 
of the GCP and check points in the images. A graphical 
analysis of the residuals in the check points showed that 
the results are not affected by systematic errors. 
A series of computer simulations have been carried out to 
analyze the effect of certain parameters on the accuracy of 
MOMS-2P image orientation, especially the effect of block 
configuration and control information. 
5.1 Input Parameters 
a) Block Configurations 
The computer simulations were performed for 3 different 
block configurations: 
e Single strip 
e Block of 6 strips with q— 2096 side overlap 
e Block of 11 strips with q = 60% (Figure 3) 
; | 
o 640 km — 
Figure 3: Block consisting of 11 strips with 4 baselengths 
each and 60% side overlap 
The strip length was chosen to 4 baselengths (640 km). 
This results in the fact that points at the beginning and 
the end of the single strip are projected into 2 images 
only, whereas each point in the central part of the strip 
is projected into 3 images. The strip width amounts to 
50 km. The entire block covers 320x250 km? (without 2- 
ray area), corresponding to the area of Catalonia (270x250 
km?), which is the most important calibration site of the 
MOMS-2P experiment. 
b) Interior Orientation Parameters 
All parameters of the interior orientation were introduced 
as error-free values. 
c) Conjugate Points 
The object coordinate system is defined as topocentric 
Cartesian system XY Z with the positive direction of the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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