Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

X-axis parallel to the direction of flight. The object points 
are arranged in a grid with AX —12.5 km, AY = 12.5 km 
and Z —0km. Consequently the single strip consists of 
260 and the blocks contain 1,092 object points. For each 
block configuration, the image coordinates of the object 
points were computed assuming a straight forward flight 
path with a constant altitude of 400 km and attitude val- 
ues equal to zero. All image coordinates were treated as 
being uncorrelated with equal standard deviations of 0.3 
d) Ground Control Information 
Either no or 16 GCP with ox = oy = oz = 1.0 m were 
used. The 16 GCP are arranged in 4 groups of 4 points 
each, located at the corners of the 3-ray area of the strip 
or the block. The standard deviations of the image coor- 
dinates are assumed to 0.5 pixel. 
e) Orbit and Attitude Observations 
For the orbit and attitude observations 3 different cases 
were investigated (Tables 3 and 4). Case B is the most 
realistic one. In Table 3 the standard deviations describing 
the relative accuracy of the position parameters are zero, 
since all camera positions are constrained to lie on the 
orbit trajectory. The standard deviations describing the 
absolute accuracy are 5 m for the position and 2cm/s for 
the velocity components of the epoch state vector. 
A B C 
relative 0m 0m 0m 
position 0m 5m 20m 
beate velocity | 0cm/s | 2cm/s 8cm/s 
Table 3: Standard deviations of the observed position pa- 
A B C 
relative 0” 10" 2 
bias 0^ 200" no obs. 
absolute drift | 0”/s 0.7"/s no obs. 
Table 4: Standard deviations of the observed attitude pa- 
For each orientation point attitude observations were in- 
troduced with a relative accuracy of 10” and an absolute 
accuracy of 200" (bias) and 0.7" /s (drift) respectively (Ta- 
ble 4). Besides case B, two extreme cases are investigated 
for comparison: error-free (A) and worst case (C) orbit and 
attitude observations. Based on experiences with MOMS- 
02/D2 data, the distance between the orientation points 
was chosen to 4,940 rows (ca. 90 km) leading to 9 orienta- 
tion points per strip. 
5.2 Results 
For analysis, the rms values p4¢ (planimetry) and pj 
(height) of the theoretical standard deviations 04, oy and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
c; of all 3-ray points (single strip), 3- and 6-ray points 
(block with q-— 2096) as well as 3-, 6- and 9-ray points 
(block with g — 6096) were calculated. Moreover, the rms 
values po, fp, pi of the theoretical standard deviations of 
the estimated exterior orientation parameters &, Q, & at 
the orientation points were computed. All accuracy figures 
were derived from the inverted normal equation matrix. 
Figure 4: Rms values pg, for different block configura- 
tions, ground control information and orbit/attitude data 
Figure 5: Rms values pn; for different block configurations, 
ground control information and orbit/attitude data 
In Figures 4-8 these rms values are shown graphically, 
where A,B and C stand for the standard deviations of the 
observed position and attitude parameters according to 
Tables 3 and 4. 
First the results of the single strip adjustments without 
GCP are discussed. Assuming error-free position and at- 
titude data 
depends or 
nates, the 
3 m in plan 
Figure 6: | 
ground coi 
Figure 7: - 
ground co 
'The plani 
sition and 
dard devi: 
z 077 m e 
true to Sc 
(bias) anc 
eters w. I

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