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ina 1996
Mohamed ETTARID, Ph.D.
Department of Photogrammetry
Institut Agronomique Hassan II
B.P. 6202, Rabat
ISPRS-Commission III
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, Calibration, Modeling, Correlation, Identification.
The mathematical modeling of dynamic and time-dependant perturbations affecting space sensors is a common practice in
photogrammetry. This modeling is usually done through the fitting of parametric or interpolative models. However the extension of
the model and the addition of parameters may lead to unstable solution due to high correlations between parameters. The
identification of correlated parameters to take corrective measures is often based on the analysis of the correlation matrix. The
correlation matrix shows however, only correlations pairewise and does not give any indication on functional groupings.
In this paper, the variance decomposition based on singular value decomposition is presented. In this method the number of small
singular values indicates the number of near depndencies and parameters involved in these are identified as those that have more
than 50% of their variances associated with the same small singular value.
A sase studey based on in-flight camera calibration was conducted with simulated and real data, and showed the efficiency of the
method in dealing with fuctional groupings of the paramameters.
The effects of external conditions and errors affecting the
system constitute a limiting factor on the attainable accuracy in
computational photogrammetry. The mathematical modeling of
such phenomena are a common practice so as to take into
accounts these effects. This modeling is usually done by the
fitting of:
- a parameteric model based on the geometrical or
physical characteristics of the phenomenon.
- an interpolative model represented by a polynomial.
Modification of existing models through their extension and
addition of parameters to account for these perturbation may
lead to an unstable solution due to the correlation between
For almost all least square users, the identification of the
correlated parameters is based on the analysis of the correlation
matrix. Hence, in the case of additional parameters, the
decision of rejecting and deleting parameters is essentially
based on the magnitude of the correlation coefficient. In this
respect, some authors recommended 0.90 as a rejection standard
(Grun, 1980), while others suggested 0.85 (Faig and Shih ,
However, the alternative of rejecting and deleting parameters on
the grounds of their significance and stability is not alwys
justified. In fact, in some applications the physical significance
of the parameter may be of great importance to the modeling;
besides this, the rejection decision may not be fully reliable due
to the fact that hypothesis testing may be rendered inconclusive
because of the high variances inducued by the ill-conditioning.
On the other hand, the correlation matrix shows only
correlations between parameter pairs and does not give any
indication on fuctional groupings where more than two
parameters are simultaneously invloved in a correlation. In
this respect, experience has shown that, it is possible for three
or more parameters to be correlated when taken together, but no
International Arc
two of these taken in pairs are highly correlated. Moreover,
when the system is ill-conditioned, high correlation coefficients
may be indicative of correlated parameters, but the absence of
high correlation coefficients cannot be considered as evidence
of no problem.
To overcome the drawbacks of the correlation matrix
mentioned above, we present in this paper a method based on
the singular value decomposition and that deals efficiently with
multiple correlations or functinal groupings of parameters.
2.1 Singular Value Decomposition
The singular value decomposition is a concept closely related to
the eigensystem , but that applies directly to the design matrix
A insted of the normal matrix (ATA) :
Hence, if A is an (mxn) rectangular matrix, the singular values
A; of A arethe positive square roots of the eigenvalues of the
square matrix (ATA) of order n (Lascaux and Theodor, 1986).
In fact, for any arbitrary (mxn) matrix A, there exists an unitary
(mxn) matrix U and an unitary (nxn) matrix V such that:
A = UDV" (2.1)
with D a diagonal matrix of the form:
p=/Pu-8 23)
To "+0 :
and :
D4, - diagonal(A, ,À5,.-..,À.,) (2.2a)
hives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996