arameters. Prior
iate weighting of the
erally called indirect
e interior orientation
solating y, from the
rotations; it remains
se of
nces on Ground
ergent Photos and
1 Parameters.
1 Proportions)
)3 (.68) Q4 (.68)
sition to the design
on real data showed
| the same correlated
d data.
1 data for different
hat the variance
uable analytical tool
olved in functional
is usually the case in
nging because it has
order to reduce the
position needs to be
rix if realistic first
considered; but the
mates of parameters
ith condition indices
ocated the scaling of
before applying the
iper the variance
aled design matrix
ning associated with
may mask the real
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International Arch
ives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996