in a suburban area.
) in the original tri-
detected houses in a
tom mesh).
ssion of huge sets of
ute force data com-
jecifically concerned
ires of the 3D scenes
nition. For this pur-
sh representation of
d extract important
preserved in coarser
lbeit at lower reso-
ng can be repeated
srving the same fea-
itationally attractive
t techniques. It sim-
f sensory range data
features can be used
nting the scene into
nearly-planar patches. Meanwhile, we also define generic
models of 3D objects based on invariant relations between
sections of the surface boundary of our objects of inter-
est. These constructed models can be easily compared
to the coarsened meshes of the 3D range data. Applica-
tions of this approach range from interpretation of remote
sensing and photogrammetry data, digital terrain model-
ing (DTM), medical imaging, outdoor autonomous vehicle
navigation, planetary terrain mapping, geographical informa-
tion systems (GIS), CAD model reverse engineering.
In this context, we have identified several possible scenarios
of interaction between triangular mesh modeling and coars-
ening for the purpose of fast and accurate object recognition.
Although more effort is required to build a library of generic
object models such as the example we presented, the initial
results are very promising and indicate the generality and flex-
ibility of this approach. Future work will be focused on the
intelligent integration of visual intensity data with the avail-
able range data. We maintain that 3D object recognition is
best done using range information. Nonetheless, such addi-
tional information would greatly guide the object recognition
phases by clarifying possible ambiguities in interpreting range
data which tends to be more noisy than intensity data.
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