or image orientation
In this paper, image
:al-world test object.
ges extracted from
nation of both, the
sults show, that an
e Verwertung von
unkten basierende,
; als Testobjekt die
n. Mehrere rund um
sen digitalen Bildern
ıltanen Bestimmung
obnisse zeigen, daß
ı konnte.
] was presented in
93): The shape of a
ompletely described
of these nodes in
adjusting the curve
rays of at least two
basic problems of
d using line features
ges merely by free-
rarily chosen local
| (alike relative
1 free-form control
ject curves from at
-form control curves
dels from computer
nna 199¢
tomography (Forkert et al. 1994). The solution of the
reconstruction task was demonstrated in 1995 with a
car as real world test object (Forkert et al. 1995) So,
this paper deals with the orientation of images
exclusively based on tie curves working on the same
Figure 1: Car image |
Twelve images were taken from around the car using a
P31 terrestrial metric camera with a principal distance
of 100 mm. The camera was focused to 4m, thus
achieving an average image scale of 1:40. The image
format was 12 cm x 9 cm. Figure 1 shows one of the
images; the arrangement of the photographs can be
seen in figure 2. It was mainly chosen according to
considerations about the depth of field. For control
purposes, 116 points were targeted on the car surface
using black adhesive paper dots with a diameter of 8
e £=125"" 2
NES e Ns
V d NS Da?
: S
=3 z=3m
= a [P < (car ) #5
AS £7 RO
ke (B 2°
? z=3m S
Figure 2: Arrangement of photos
In order to get digital images, the photographs were
scanned with a resolution of 15 pm using a Zeiss
PhotoScan PS1. Due to the large image format we
obtained digital images with 50 MB each.
The measurement of the control targets was done
using a "digital mono comparator". The accuracy of the
position of the targets was estimated to be about +1/2
For extracting tie curves from the digital images, firstly
a line extraction algorithm was applied to the images
delivering rather long line segments which are likely to
present object curves (see Forkert et al. 1995).
Secondly, line segments from different images
belonging to the same object curve have to be declared
homologous. Though currently done interactively with
the help of a graphic line editor, the assignment of
homologous lines can possibly run automatically in
future, at least for long line segments.
Figure 3: Lines extracted from three images
Figure 4 shows the basic concept of free-form curves in
bundle block adjustment. We have recorded points (for
example P from the images of the original curve in the
way described in section 2. Note that in general it is not
possible to find homologous edge points in different
images. The unknown three dimensional curve point P
corresponding to the two dimensional image point P' is
located on its image ray running from the projection
centre through the image point. So, a "bundle" can be
formed by all relevant rays of an image. Now, the curve
S can be adjusted to the bundles of rays coming from
the images (see figure 4).
The curve S that shall be the best possible
reconstruction of the original is described by a series of
cubic polynomials, each representing one curve
segment. These curve segments are joined together at
node points with at least the first derivations of the
polynomials being continuous. Well-known examples
for such "joined cubic polynomial curves" are cubic
splines or Akima curves.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996