Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

The object-oriented paradigm has also led to a new genera- 
tion of databases called object-oriented (OO). Some com- 
mercial OODBS are offered by the vendors of DB soft- 
ware, for instance ObjectStore, Ontos, Versant, ODE, Oa, 
Itasca, Objectivity /DB etc. that are realized as extensions 
of C++ and Lisp. 
In D. Schmidt/D. Fritsch (1994), D. Fritsch/D. Schmidt 
(1995) two object-oriented DTM integrations have been 
proposed: the first was implemented in the language E us- 
ing the Exodus Storage Manager (SM) of the University of 
Wisconsin, and the second uses the programming language 
Python. Both implementations presuppose the existence of 
persistent objects. The following classes were implemen- 
DTM This is the highest level of hierarchy. Every access 
on DTM data is handled by defined or virtual (i.e. 
only declared) functions of this data type. 
GRID Only height values are stored in a grid structure. 
There is no topological information necessary. 
TIN The data is organized by vertices, edges and faces. 
A grid can easily be converted to a TIN structure. 
HYBRID Data is organized as a grid with some meshes 
containing TIN data structures. 
GMF Geomorphological features that are subdivided in 
Heightpoint Point with z, y, z-value (i.e. peaks) 
Borderline The border of a DTM, border of areas 
of equal height or undefined height 
Breakline Interuption in surface continuity 
Structure line Height value increases or de- 
creases monotonically along the line. 
The implementation of these four classes is demonstrated 
by the data structure of fig. 8, for instance if the DTM 
class TRIANGLE is used. The class LINKS needs some point- 
ers backwards, and NODES must be notified to store three- 
dimensional coordinates and two-dimensional ones. 'The 
low-level classes NODE and LINK have counters to store the 
number of references from each class in the mid-level hier- 
archy. Every class can be accessed by a spatial index tree 
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Figure 8: 2.5D data structure of an object-oriented integ- 
rated TIN 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
The integration of height information into GIS databases 
is an important topic for present and future R&D in this 
field. Although some progress could be reached in the re- 
cent past, the solutions offered so far are not yet fully sat- 
With the evolution of object-oriented techniques new but 
probably simpler techniques of height data integration are 
feasible. New standards will evolve and hopefully merge 
soon to make the programming effort more valuable by 
using a common interface. 
It seems reasonable to have first a 2.5D data integration. 
This boundary description is especially desired in topo- 
graphic mapping. The link of 3D objects with a 2.5D de- 
scription comes out with a complete modelling of real world 
objects that is restricted on being stationary. The data 
display can be solved by public domain software products, 
for instance Geomview. This is an interactive program for 
viewing and manipulating geometric objects. It allows in- 
teractive control over the point of view, speed of movement, 
appearance of surfaces and lines (see fig. 9) 
Figure 9: Geomview control panel with grid D'TM and at- 
tached buildings in camera view 
In figure 9 Geomview is used as display engine for 3D spa- 
tial data. Geometric descriptions will be sent object by 
object with an internal name used to reference the geo- 
metry. The coordinates will then be send back to the main 
program together with the name of the selected object. In 
this way, points or objects can be selected for processing 
in more complex queries. It is also possible, to dynamic- 
ally change the geometry, color etc. of the object or adding 
other objects. 
This last visualization gives a concluding impression on 
the possibilities of efficient height data integration. The 
real world is three-dimensional — it does not matter how 
this 3D world is mapped into spatial databases. The main 
point is the availability of 2.5D and 3D capability in GIS 
what should be realized in an efficient and robust manner. 
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