Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ıto GIS databases 
iture R&D in this 
reached in the re- 
= not yet fully sat- 
'chniques new but 
ata integration are 
d hopefully merge 
more valuable by 
) data integration. 
7 desired in topo- 
ts with a 2.5D de- 
elling of real world 
tionary. The data 
software products, 
active program for 
jects. It allows in- 
peed of movement, 
- 9) 
grid DTM and at- 
engine for 3D spa- 
be sent object by 
reference the geo- 
d back to the main 
selected object. In 
ted for processing 
sible, to dynamic- 
1e object or adding 
ing impression on 
i integration. The 
es not matter how 
tabases. The main 
) capability in GIS 
ind robust manner. 
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Kufoniyi, O., Molenaar, M., Boulouchos, T., 1994. Topo- 
logy as a tool for consistency operations in vector maps. 
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Sensing, Munich, Vol. XXX, Part 3/1, pp. 455-462. 
Kraus, K., 1995. From digital elevation models to to- 
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Molenaar, M., 1992. A topology for 3D vector maps. ITC 
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Molenaar, M., Fritsch, D., 1991. Combined data struc- 
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