P. Fua
Artificial Intelligence Center
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Commision Ill, Working Group 2
KEY WORDS: Vision Sciences, Cartography, Modeling, Aerial, Three-dimensional
Model-Based Optimization (MBO) is a paradigm in which an objective function is used to express both geometric and
photometric constraints on features of interest. A parametric model of a feature, such as a road, a building, a river or the
underlying terrain, is extracted from one or more images by adjusting the model's state variables until a minimum value of the
objective function is obtained. The optimization procedure yields a description that simultaneously satisfies (or nearly satisfies)
all constraints, and, as a result, is likely to be a good model of the feature.
Furthermore, because objects are all modeled in the same fashion, we can refine the models simultaneously and enforce
geometric and semantic constraints between objects, thus increasing not only the accuracy but also the consistency of the
We believe that these capabilities will prove indispensable to automating the generation of complex object databases from
imagery, such as the ones required for realistic simulations or intelligence analysis.
Model-Based Optimization (MBO) is a paradigm in which
an objective function is used to express both geometric and
photometric constraints on features of interest. A parametric
model of a feature (such as a road, a building, or coast-
line) is extracted from one or more images by adjusting the
model's state variables until a minimum value of the objec-
tive function is obtained. The optimization procedure yields
a description that simultaneously satisfies (or nearly satisfies)
all constraints, and, as a result, is likely to be a good model
of the feature.
The deformable models we use here are extensions of tra-
ditional snakes [Terzopoulos, et al., 1987, Kass et al., 1988,
Fua and Leclerc, 1990]. They are polygonal curves or face-
tized surfaces to which is associated an objective function
that combines an “image term” that measures the fit to the
image data and a regularization term that enforces geometric
Because features and surfaces are all modeled in a uniform
fashion, we can refine several models simultaneously and en-
force geometric and semantic constraints between objects,
thus increasing not only the accuracy but also the consis-
tency of the reconstruction. The ability to apply such con-
straints is essential for the accurate modeling of complex sites
in which objects obey known geometric and semantic con-
straints. In particular, when dealing with multiple objects,
it is crucial that the models be both accurate and consis-
tent with each other. For example, individual components
of a building can be modeled independently, but to ensure
realism, one must guarantee that they touch each other in
an architecturally feasible way. Similarly, when modeling a
cartographic site from aerial imagery, one must ensure that
the roads lie on the terrain—and not above or below it—and
that rivers flow downhill. To that end, we have developed
a constrained-optimization scheme that allows us to impose
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
hard constraints on our snakes at a very low computational
cost while preserving their convergence properties.
We first introduce our generalized snakes. We then present
our constrained-optimization scheme. Finally, we demon-
strate its ability to enforce geometric constraints upon individ-
ual snakes and consistency constraints upon multiple snakes
to produce complex and consistent site models.
We model linear features as polygonal curves that may be
described either as a sequential list of vertices, or, for more
complex objects such as a road network or a 3-D extruded
object, described by the network topology. In the latter case,
to describe the object completely, one must supply not only
the list of vertices but also a list of “edges” that defines the
connectivity of those vertices. In addition, with some of these
complex objects, one can also define "faces," that is, circular
lists of vertices that must be constrained to remain planar.
Similarly, we model the terrain on which these features rest
as triangulated surface meshes whose shape is defined by the
position of vertices and can be refined by minimizing an ob-
jective function.
Our ultimate goal is to accommodate the full taxonomy of
those "generalized snakes" described by Table 1. The al-
gorithms described here are implemented within the Radius
Common Development Environment (RCDE) [Mundy et al.,
2.1 Polygonal Snakes
A simple polygonal snake, C, can be modeled as a sequential
list of vertices, that is, in two dimensions, a list of 2-D vertices
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