The vanishing line v joins both Vi and V3.
Similarly, the vanishing line v' in 7 is determined
through the two vanishing points.
U;(ao1 $031] : 0), U;(a02 =6 : asa). (6)
3.5 The Trace t
As shown in fig.(1), the trace t can be considered as
belonging to both o and x. Let t' denotes it in 7
when separated from a. t and i' must be congruent
beside being corresponding to each other. It is well
known that they are parallel to the vanishing lines
in space [4]. Let K(1: k: 0) and L(1: 0 : 7) be
the points of intersection of t with z; and z5, and
let their corresponding points be K'(1 : k’ : 0) and
L'(1 : 0 : l'). The metric length KL and K'L' must
be equal.
Since KL is parallel to v fig.(4a), then Af = a,
hence from (5) and (4),
AL 1
is Pt ES ee AM
A, K k
/ /
pe Ap ap2
Similarly, for the corresponding points Æ'(1 : k" : 0)
and L'(1:0 : l’), it can be shown that
P ied (8)
VB 7
k 402
Substituting the coordinates of L and K into (1), we
get the coordinates of K' and L' as follows:
K'(aoo -- ag1k : a11k : 0), L'(aoo 4- a02l : 0 : a23l) (9)
Hence ak
km LE. 10
ago + ao1 k did
and a:
Lite vir imens 11
ago + ao2 | (14)
Since IE = UK" , then:
I? -- k? — 2lk cos0 — l7 4- k'? —2l'k'cosóü' (12)
where 0 and @’ are the angles subtended by the axes
pairs, which can be measured directly or determined
from the well-known cosine formula:
put ATs Ar Ar = Acie
cos = Aida EA As 421
2A1 A2 A1 A4 13
ATAL +ATA] -AA (13)
cos =
1 Al A!
Dividing (12) by k? and substituting from (7),(8) and
(10), we get after several reductions:
(aoo + dork)” =
x 42, a2 . 891^ — 249,292 cos 0 a5? z 52
a, 8012 —2a01802 cos 0 +402?
It can be shown that the R.H.S. of (14) is a positive
quantity and hence it is set to 6°.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Solving equation(14), yields two values for k. The
practical value of k is chosen, such that, for a positive
photo, t has a position similar to that shown in fig.(1)
and(4), in which:
|AiK| « |A1V1|, or
«e| [eoe (15)
401 ao1
Since from(14) k= mm
m nM for aoo > 0 (16)
= zzi for ago « 0
Determining k, we can calculate the value of 1, k'
and I’ from equation(7),(10) and (11) respectively.
The homogeneous coordinates of K, L, K' and L/ are
therefore known.
3.6 Setting 7 to coincide with a
Let * be put upon a such that K’ and L’ coincide
with the corresponding points K and L respectively.
In this position the two planes are centrally collinear.
The collineation axis is t and the collineation center
is So as shown in fig.(5). Mathematically, this is a
Figure 5: Coincidence of 7 with a
achieved by referring both planes to a common carte-
sian system of coordinates.
In the planes a and v, K and K' are chosen to be
the origins of the new systems, while the axes X and
X' are chosen along LK and L'K' respectively. The
Y and Y' axes are perpendicular to them as shown
in fig.(4a,b). The two systems will coincide with each
other, when both planes coincide as shown in fig.(5).
The above procedure is performed through several
coordinate transformation:
Figure 6: R
rectangular «
1. For any
then the
is as foll
and con
2. From fi;
space co
4. Let X =