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Multi-spectral Quadtree based Image Segmentation
Ben G.H. Gorte
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC),
Enschede, the Netherlands.
KEYWORDS: Remote sensing, algorithms, multi-spectral, image segmentation, quadtrees
The paper gives a description of an image segmentation method, which is based on multi-spectral image data. It is
embedded in a quadtree based GIS and Image Processing system. Generally, the system gives the possibility to integrate
remotely sensed data, map data and attribute data. It offers raster processing capabilities, combined with high resolutions,
with modest storage and processing time requirements. By subdividing an image into segments, assuming that these
correspond to objects in the terrain, the integration of R.S. and GIS can be strengthened.
1 Introduction
For the purpose of widening for post-graduate and M.Sc.
students in our institute the opportunities to study and in-
vestigate spatial data structures, a modest quadtree soft-
ware system was gradually developed during the last few
years. In the course of this activity, a stage was reached
were quadtree based image segmentation could be imple-
mented without too much additional effort. Although this
subject has received attention in literature since the sev-
enties [3], it did not become widely accepted in the field
of analysis of remotely sensed imagery. For example, in
very respected textbooks in this field, such as [4] and [7],
image segmentation is not mentioned. Also the major com-
mercial digital image processing software packages do not
include image segmentation modules. Nevertheless, im-
age segmentation is intuitively appealing. Human image
vision generally tends to divide the image into homogen-
eous areas first, and characterize those areas more care-
fully later. Applying this approach to digital image ana-
lysis software leads to a segmentation step, which divides
the image into segments that correspond — in the ideal
case — to meaningful objects in the terrain, followed by
a supervised classification step, in which each segment is
compared with class characteristics that are derived from
training data. In contrast to usual classification methods,
the comparison does not have to be limited spectral prop-
erties, but can also take spatial characteristics of segments
(size, shape and adjacency to other segments) into account.
The remainder of this paper focuses on quadtree based
segmentation. The success of segmentation depends on the
availability of:
e High resolution imagery, such that the relevant objects
are represented by a significant number of pixels; oth-
erwise there is no point in segmentation.
e Powerful hardware: fast and with a lot of memory
e An efficient implementation, regarding the sizes of re-
mote sensing images.
A special case, which is typical for earth observation
applications, is multi-band imagery. Grey-scale segment-
ations ([5], [1]) of the individual bands give different sets
of segments. In this paper a method is presented that seg-
ments a multi-spectral image into one unique set of objects.
2. Quadtrees
Quadtrees serve as a spatial data model, in the sense that
they allow the storage of data about various types of spa-
tial objects and phenomena, as well as the operations on
such data. In this study, area based quadtrees are used [6],
which are conceptually equivalent to raster maps. There-
fore, raster based GIS analysis operations are also defined
in the quadtree domain and a large number of them can be
implemented efficiently [2]. The advantage is that the spe-
cifications and implementations of many GIS operations,
such as mapcalculations and other kinds of overlay, are
straightforward in the raster (and quadtree) domain.
On the other hand, the raster data structure tends to
lead to large data volumes, which need a lot of space and
processing time. In case of (however advanced) “ordin-
ary” compression techniques, the space requirements are
relieved, but the processing times increase, because the
actual processing will still take place pixel by pixel, and
expansion / compression steps must be added.
The quadtree data structure and software help to de-
crease the storage and processing time requirements at the
same time, especially at high resolutions. Roughly, stor-
age requirements increase linearly with resolution when us-
ing quadtrees, and quadratically using rasters. The chal-
lenge of quadtrees is to create algorithms that work in the
quadtree domain, which means that they do not expand
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996