Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

the data to raster format at any stage. In that case, pro- 
cessing times depend on the quadtree data set sizes, which 
leads to a significant gain at high resolutions. 
Another advantage of the raster data structure is the 
ease of integration of map and image data. This advant- 
age is equally valid for the area based quadtree approach. 
Unfortunately, not much is gained in terms of space and 
time, when processing images as quadtrees. However, 
quadtrees allow to combine data layers with different res- 
olutions without having to re-sample one to the other. 
2.1 Data Structure 
Linear, sequential quadtrees (no indexing) 
Raster Quadtree 
Data File 
structure structure 
level |value .qtl file 
: s 3 (max level == level of entire map) 
1 5 8 (actual number of lines) 4 x 4 bytes 
1 8 8 (actual number of columns) 
2 5 1 (type of pixel value: 1 = byte, 2 = integer) 
2 5 131122 p! 1 (sequence of level’, 2 values per byte) 
0 7 ! À l (one 0 instead of four) 
0 5 (bytes) 
0 5 
0 5 
1 | 5 .qtv file 
1 5 
1 5 5558557555555 (1 or 4 bytes per value) 
Figure 1: Quadtree data structure 
2.2 Operations 
The package in its current state is useful to demonstrate 
quadtrees in education or to explore them during research 
in the field of spatial data structures and operations. The 
programs have in common that they read input and write 
output sequentially and simultaneously, without excess- 
ive buffering in internal memory. Therefore, there are no 
(practical) limitations to the sizes (resolutions) of the data 
sets to be processed. The entire data set does not have to 
reside in internal memory at any time. 
The following modules are present: 
General: raster to quadtree and quadtree to raster con- 
versions, image calculations, statistical analysis (his- 
tograms, multi-band statistics), simple map and im- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
age generalization, which allows to create levels of de- 
tail (LOD) at different representation scales. 
Image Analysis: Training data analysis and maximum 
likelihood classification, principal component trans- 
formation, RGB to IHS transforms. 
GIS: Map overlay and map calculation, aggregation func- 
tions, determination of topology (region adjacency), 
connected component labeling. 
The segmentation algorithm is based on the one for con- 
nected component labeling — in fact, the latter will appear 
to be a special case of the former. Also, the map calcula- 
tion module will be involved in the segmentation process, 
as well as the connected component labeling. Therefore, we 
describe these three modules with somewhat more detail. 
Connected component labeling: a program that as- 
signs to each homogeneous region a unique value. The 
output quadtree values have the type “integer”, which 
allows over 2,000,000,000 regions - more than there 
will ever be pixels in the input. It's interesting to no- 
tice that the structure of the quadtree does not change 
with this operation. 
'The program assumes 4-adjacency: a pixel has only 
four neighbors (above, below, left and right), which 
are taken into account when connectivity is estab- 
lished, instead of 8 neighbors (the diagonal ones don t 
count) In the “very high resolution quadtree filo- 
sophy”, region pairs that are 8-adjacent without being 
also 4-adjacent are very unlikely to occur, 
Image and map calculations are carried out by à pro- 
gram which allows overlaying data layers by perform- 
ing arithmetical, mathematical, logical and relational 
operations on corresponding pixels in different layers. 
This program also provides the link between spatial 
and attribute data. If pixel values have the meaning of 
object number, attribute values can be found at any 
pixel by indexing the attribute table with the pixel 
value. See the result of segmentation in Figure 2. 
Region Adjacency software can be used to establish ad- 
jacency between pixel values in a quadtree. The result 
is a relational table with two columns; if somewhere in 
the quadtree a pixel with value p is neighboring a pixel 
with value q, then (p, q) will be a record in the table. 
The table is sorted in ascending order of (primarily) 
the first column and (secondarily) the second column. 
The value in the second columns is always larger than 
the one in the first; if p is less then q, you will find a re- 
cord (q, p) in the table. Therefore, every combination 
is listed only once. 
The operation makes most sense if the quadtree is 
filled with regions that have unique numbers, such as 
the result of an image segmentation process. In that 
case it generates region adjacency information, which 
can be incorporated in subsequent classification. 
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