Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

;o create levels of de- 
ation scales. 
lysis and maximum 
al component trans- 
n, aggregation func- 
(region adjacency), 
d on the one for con- 
the latter will appear 
so, the map calcula- 
egmentation process, 
jeling. Therefore, we 
newhat more detail. 
a program that as- 
a unique value. The 
ype “integer”, which 
s - more than there 
t’s interesting to no- 
tree does not change 
cy: a pixel has only 
ft and right), which 
onnectivity is estab- 
> diagonal ones don't 
ution quadtree filo- 
jacent without being 
to occur, 
Carried out by a pro- 
a layers by perform- 
ogical and relational 
Is in different layers. 
link between spatial 
; have the meaning of 
can be found at any 
table with the pixel 
tion in Figure 2. 
used to establish ad- 
quadtree. The result 
mns; if somewhere in 
s neighboring a pixel 
à record in the table. 
order of (primarily) 
) the second column. 
is always larger than 
1 q, you will find a re- 
e, every combination 
se if the quadtree is 
jue numbers, such as 
tion process. In that 
y information, which 
nt classification. 
a 1996 
Input image (3 spectral bands, raster format) 
raster to quad- 
tree conversion 
attribute table 
Figure 2: Data structures for quadtree segmentation 
of multi-spectral images 
3 Image Segmentation 
The implementation presented here uses a multi-band im- 
age as input and gives one segmentation as output: One set 
of objects, where each object has multi-spectral properties 
(mean vector and variance-covariance matrix). Moreover, 
topological (object adjacency) information can be retrieved 
as well as, of course, object locations, sizes and perimeters. 
The presented method performs segmentation by recurs- 
ively combining (merging) pairs of pixels, leafs and re- 
gions. It uses data from multiple (currently two or three) 
input bands, that are combined into a single feature vector 
quadtree first. Currently, the criterion for merging is very 
simple: With a user-selected threshold T, the Euclidean 
distance between the feature vectors of two candidates may 
be not larger than 2 x T' and none of the variances and cov- 
ariances after merging may exceed T?. Note that the above 
mentioned connected component labelling is a special case: 
only one band and T' — 0. 
Like in the other programs in the package, the quadtree 
is scanned sequentially, which implies a single traversal 
through the image in Z-scan order (Figure 1). Therefore, 
the process is recursive and works bottom-up. It starts try- 
ing to combine individual pixels (within quadrants) first, 
and looks at possibilities to combine objects in larger quad- 
rants later. 
The program relies on a highly dynamic data structure 
consisting of an index table and an object table. 'The 
object table has one record for each (intermediate) object, 
in which the object size and spectral attributes are stored. 
In case of three spectral bands, these attributes are: the 
sums of the pixel values in band 1, 2 and 3 over the en- 
tire object ($1,595, 53), the sum-of-squares (911, 922, 933) 
and the sums of the cross-products ($12,515, 553). These 
are used in the calculations of the mean values and the 
covariance matrix for the object. 
An object is entered in the table when a “new” leaf from 
the input is read. A new entry in the index table points 
to the object. When processing a quadrant, the values to 
either side of the boundaries between the sub-quadrants 
are taken from a stack. Via the index table, the spectral 
data are retrieved from the object table and used in the 
merge criterion. 
size |s1,s2,s3,s11,s12, 513, 322, s23, $33 
size |s1, s2, s3, s11, s12, s13, s22, s23, S33 
released | 
bel et Bet levis aid 
Figure 3: Index and Object table before and after pro- 
cessing fig. 4 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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