Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ated. One reason may 
ed resolution of satel- 
h small objects in the 
effect of mixed pixels, 
ects with quite differ- 
we space, those mixed 
objects, and therefore 
f them. The question 
segmentation point of 
corporated into larger 
this, we can relax the 
threshold value espe- 
the spectral values of 
we” those of the entire 
1e values of the larger 
rion relaxation — this 
influence a later classi- 
ive the small segments 
on procedure and clas- 
-described map calcu- 
e the selection of large 
attribute table. Under 
tively large, compared 
~ference for the second 
led to a Landsat TM 
erlands. The “advant- 
rge fields, so segment- 
Landsat TM does not 
on that objects should 
xels. The method will 
tion imagery becomes 
| 5 and 7. Using map 
quadtree with the at- 
ere selected and a ran- 
|. Small segments were 
)0 pixels. With a final 
its were created. Des- 
n, many segments are 
nd respectively 20053, 
ro, three, four and five 
ts in black and reveals 
ed) pixels. 
iere are four segments 
They are water bod- 
th 11149, 33317, 44069 
he distribution of the 
is shown in Figure 6 
na 1996 
Figure 5: Detail of segmented image. Objects are dis- 
€ o eo J 
played with random grey values, those that are smaller 
than five pixels are black 
180 T T T T 
number of objects as function of object size —— 
120 + | zl 
60 Fr 
40 F W, d 
I p 
20 Fr V q 
0 i L 1 AAA AN] 
50 100 150 200 250 300 
Figure 6: Distribution of object sizes 
5 Conclusions 
The paper gives a description of an image segmentation 
method. which is embedded in a quadtree based GIS and 
Image Processing system. Generally, the system gives the 
possibility to integrate remote sensing data, map data and 
attribute data. It offers raster processing capabilities, com- 
bined with high resolutions of maps and images, without 
excessive storage and processing requirements. By sub- 
dividing an image into segments, assuming that these cor- 
respond to objects in the terrain, the integration of RS. 
and GIS can be strengthened. However, the correspond- 
ence must probably be further established using classifica- 
tion procedures. 
A new aspect in the segmentation process is that it 
is based on multi-spectral image data. The difference 
between the proposed method and the existing grey-scale 
segmentation methods is that in the second case different 
results are obtained from the individual bands, which must 
be later combined by overlaying. This comparable to the 
difference between parallelepiped (box) classification and 
minimum (Euclidean or Mahalanobis) distance classifier - 
the latter are usually superior. 
For the time being, the merging criterion is a simple one, 
based on mean spectral values and covariance matrices. In 
the introduction of this paper, we said that the human vis- 
ion system tends to segment the image first and to classify 
the segments later. Probably, for trained image interpret- 
ers, it is more realistic to assume that they do both at the 
same time. In the near future, we will therefore incorpor- 
ate training statistics in the criterion: subsegments will be 
merged if the resulting spectral signature still fits to one of 
the sample distributions. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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