Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

> given type 
used as ob- 
ge analysis. 
1tilizing the 
ie following 
of two ma- 
ition of ob- 
;ored repre- 
sed images. 
tions of ob- 
r goal is to 
ral map to 
e following 
Xf a three- 
| amount of 
ther hand, 
ot relevant 
)y a object 
| from irrel- 
roups. Spe- 
detail rep- 
resenting a unique object. An example are objects repre- 
sented in a CAD system by fixed geometry and fixed topol- 
ogy used for tasks like object recognition. Generic models 
on the other hand are used to represent classes or groups 
of similar objects. An example for this kind of model 
are parameterized models, permitting the representation of 
objects by fixed topology but variable geometry (Braun, 
Kolbe, Lang, Schickler, Steinhage, Kremers, Fórstner & 
Plümmer 1995). These models contain all primitives of a 
certain object class without defining the parameter values. 
Length, width and height of a quader type object are free, 
but the number of its points, lines and faces as well as their 
relations like paralellity of lines or coplanarity of points are 
fixed. For this reason, a quader is a generic model, capable 
to represent a whole group of objects. 
In principle models for 3D object recognition can be 
adapted quite well from preexisting CAD-like descriptions 
of the visible objects (Flynn & Jain 1991). Even though 
a 3D building model can not be derived definitely from 
the existing two-dimensional ground plan, the existing GIS 
data can at least be used to provide a first hypothesis of 
the 3D shape of the building. Assuming parameter values 
for the (unknown) roof slope a building of a certain (also 
unknown) height, which are e.g. dependent on the given 
usage of a building, the model lines defining the eaves and 
ridges of a roof can be constructed. For this type of model 
the parameters referring to the ground plan are fix (e.g. 
length and width of the building), while other parameters 
referring to the third dimension (e.g. roof slope or height 
of the building) are free and therefore will have to be de- 
termined by image analysis. For this reason a model gen- 
erated using an existing ground plan can be interpreted as 
a mixture between a specific and a parameterized model, 
since some parameter values are fixed and some parameter 
values are free. 
3.2 Analysis of GIS data 
Main goal while analysing the existing digital cadastral 
map is to select or even create a suitable 3D building model 
which is required for the object reconstruction by image in- 
terpretation. This task implies steps like the extraction of 
relations which are only contained implicitly in the avail- 
able data, the elimination of unnecessary information (e.g. 
details not visible in aerial images) and the generation of 
hypotheses on the missing 3. dimension of the represented 
building. Therefore the analysis process split up into the 
generalization, i.e. the simplification of the given contour 
lines and the combination of adjoining ground plans, and 
the construction of buildings. 
3.2.1 Generalization 
In order to eliminate details not visible in the aerial im- 
ages and to simplify the verification process the shape of 
the ground plans extracted from the digital cadastral map 
has to be generalized. If e.g. a building is covered by a 
saddle roof at details of the given ground plan e.g repre- 
senting bays or ledges will be hidden. Therefore we use 
the assumption that the 2D contour of a saddle roof can 
be defined by a rectangle which approximates the shape of 
the given ground plan. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Umax = 
mY, oe mm vm Dm mins sem we mm am i) cs € 
> > 
x0 rl 
Amin À max 
Figure 2: Generalization of a ground plan 
The rectangular contour of a saddle roof can e.g. be cre- 
ated by a structural analysis (symmetry, similarity, close- 
ness, unity, continuation) of the given ground plan. For 
that purpose length and parallelism of polygon edges are 
the most important features. The longest polygon edge of 
a given ground plan can e.g. be used to adjust the longest 
side of a roof. Parallel lines in the ground plan can be used 
to build a set of rectangles which can be grouped together 
(elimination of overlapping areas of the rectangles) to find 
the best representation with rectangles. We use a very 
simple approach to create a rectangular representation of 
a given ground plan: 
1. Find a right-angled corner in the given polygon P. 
Only if a right-angled corner exists, the polygon 
is generalized to a rectangle. The selected corner 
represents the base of a two-dimensional coordinate 
system as shown in figure 2. Now each point of 
the given polygon can be described by the following 
equation : 
Pi = Zo + Aii urs (1) 
2. In order to determine Amin, Amaz, min and [maz 
all points p; € P are inserted in equation (1) to cal- 
culate the minimum and maximum values A; and ju. 
The points 
Pini sHmaz | DAmin mar DA rain min XxDAmac LH min ) 
then represent the required rectangle. 
3. The overlap between the constructed rectangle and 
the ground plan can be used as measure on the good- 
ness of the approximation. 
Because the ground plans of the digital cadastral map de- 
scribe properties, one physical building can be represented 
by two or more adjoining ground plans, if the building is 
owned by more than one party. Especially if the grouped 
ground plans can be represented by a rectangle, it is very 
likely that they are covered by one common roof. There- 
fore adjoining ground plans are detected by searching for 
line segments in the digital cadastral map which are used 
by different polygons. 
3.2.2 Construction of buildings 
The creation of a 3D building is a task that cannot be 
solved in a definite way because besides the unknown 
height values there are many possible types of roof shapes, 
e.g. desk, flat, saddle or hipped roofs. Because the usage 
of a building provides a good hint on the possible type of 

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