Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

nt: The con- 
/s e and e^. 
wr plane and 
fined by the 
tion centres. 
ext, leading 
S geometric 
bility of the 
ld be incor- 
e locally a 
can be con- 
le and rota- 
e of. Points 
' conjugate 
the epipolar 
lation coef- 
e, however, 
il perspecti- 
ative stand- 
ach can be 
ed "8-point- 
rmulated as 
eters. Solu- 
xist (Rinner 
92). The 8- 
1ggested by 
sai, Huang 
89; Hartley 
d in photo- 
Iahn 1992; 
linear algo- 
rithm compared to a non-linear one: no initial values are 
needed for the unknowns in order to ensure convergence, 
and no computationally expensive iterations need to be 
performed. In this case, however, initial values are alrea- 
dy available (as described, they are necessary for estab- 
lishing the correspondence between the primitives), and 
the computing time for the parameter estimation is not 
critical as compared to that needed in the matching 
phase. Moreover, the 8-point-algorithm is geometrically 
less stable than the bundle approach, since the relative 
orientation only has five degrees of freedom, and thus 
non-linear relations exist between the 8 parameters. 
After the computation of the orientation parameters and 
the three-dimensional coordinates of the conjugate 
points, remaining blunders along the epipolar line can be 
eliminated if assumptions about the model surface such 
as piecewise smoothness are appropriate. This step con- 
cludes the computations on one pyramid level. 
Subsequently, the results are refined on a lower pyramid 
level. It is usually possible to leave out some of the levels 
to speed up the computations. Since the position of fea- 
tures in scale space is not entirely predictable (see e.g. 
Witkin 1983), point extraction should be carried out on 
each level independently. Then, matching and parameter 
computation are performed again, and the process is 
repeated until the original image resolution is reached. 
Since in automatic relative orientation arbitrary conjuga- 
te features can be used, the power of redundancy can be 
readily exploited. Rather than a few conjugate points as 
in analytical photogrammetry a few hundred points are 
often used. Table 2 shows a typical result for the stereo- 
pair Lohja (see also figure 5). The theoretical standard 
deviations of the five orientation parameters are given for 
manual and automatic relative orientation. Although in 
the automatic case the standard deviation for the image 
coordinates is worse by a factor of 2, the orientation 
parameters are still more accurate by a factor of appro- 
ximately 2.6 due to the high redundancy and the better 
point distribution. In addition the automatically genera- 
ted orientation parameters are more reliable, since blun- 
ders can be easily detected due to the high redundancy. 
Another consequence is that singular cases of relative 
orientation such as the well known dangerous cylinder 
have no practical significance, since it is virtually impos- 
sible for all conjugate points to lie on one of these surfa- 
black and white, scale 1:15.000, 
Hd 60 % overlap 
Type of orientation dependent 
manual (analy- | automatic (15 
Approach ; TES 
tical plotter) | Um pixelsize) 
Number of points 15 132 
co 2.0 Um 4.6 Um 
Theoretical Ov 0.47 m 0.18 m 
standard devia- Oz 0.16 m 0.06 m 
tions of orien- où 11.0 mgon 4.1 mgon 
tation parame- ow 7.4 mgon 2.8 mgon 
tens OK 3.0 mgon 1.0 mgon 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Table 2: Comparison between the accuracy of the relative 
orientation parameters, example Lohja (see also figure5) 
Various realisations of automatic relative orientation ha- 
ve been reported in the literature. The characteristics of 
the individual approaches are depicted in table 3. Most 
of them were designed to handle aerial images. Extensive 
tests of one algorithm (Hellwich et al. 1994; Batscheider 
1996; Tang et al. 1996) have shown that autonomous 
relative orientation for aerial imagery is faster than and 
at least as accurate as manual measurements. Accuracies 
of approximately 0.2 and 0.4 pixels for the standard de- 
viation of the image coordinates have been reached, and 
the elapsed computing time for an image pair with 15 pm 
pixels amounts to about 2 to 3 min on a Silicon Graphics 
Indy with R4400 processor (150 MHz). More than 50 
different models with black and white and colour images 
of different content (urban, agricultural, forest, alpine 
environment), scale (1:3.200 up to 1:820.000) and image 
quality have been processed successfully. Two examples 
of the mentioned tests are shown in figure 5 and 6. This 
algorithm has been implemented in a digital photogram- 
metric workstation and is commercially available. User 
feedback in the near future will demonstrate whether or 
not it fulfils the requirements of practice. 
Figure 5: Conjugate points, automatic relative orien- 
tation, example Lohja 

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