Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

corresponding to discrete values of the scale parameter. The 
number of these discrete levels is user-defined, and its 
selection depends on the amount of information conveyed 
by the profile and the relevant storage and computational 
requirements. Figure 4 (top) shows such a profile scale space 
image, with the top row containing the original profile gray 
values, and rows underneath that containing increasingly 
smoother versions of the original signal, corresponding to 
gradually larger values of the scale parameter s. Thus, such 
an image will have a coordinate system (p,s,), with p being 
the distance along the profile direction, and s, being the 
scale parameter. 
The use of digital image files (rather than simple signal 
values as is the case in typical scale analysis applications) 
to express the scale behavior of signals has great 
advantages, as it permits us to employ digital image 
analysis algorithms. To identify scale differences among 
conjugate features, we can match their corresponding profile 
scale space images. Matching proceeds similarly to least 
squares matching, but this time a shift in the s direction 
denotes a difference in scale among conjugate profiles. A 
shift in the profile direction p corresponds to a refinement of 
the initially available conjugate locations. By performing 
this matching process along the two directions (which for 
practical reasons are the base direction and its 
perpendicular), we can identify the exact correspondence in 
the stereopyramid 
(xp, y]) > (x,.5,.5 5" y) Eq. 5 
for comparing a specific feature. 
This procedure can be enhanced when combined with edge 
detection. Figure 4 (bottom) shows the edges in a profile 
scale space image, which actually show how the various 
objects intersected by this profile (variations in top row 
gray values) behave in scale space. The extracted feature 
outlines describe not only the behavior of a single feature, 
but also its interaction with its surroundings. Robust 
features are remaining evident throughout the profile’s scale 
space, while ephemeral ones disappear fast. The feature to 
which the given approximation belongs is the one which 
surrounds the available approximation. We can easily 
examine whether the given approximations lay on a robust 
or ephemeral feature. Points on robust features are better 
matching candidates. Furthermore, we can examine whether 
the given approximations lie on the same feature by 
comparing the major radiometric characteristics (absolute 
gray values, gradients) of the features to which the 
approximate points belong. This check can help us avoid 
gross matching errors which are associated with erroneous 
Once scale space correspondences are established, assigning 
to a feature at a specific scale level in a stereomate its proper 
conjugate at the other stereomate’s scale space, we can 
proceed with subsequent precise matching. Radiometric 
parameters can be introduced in it, to fully express the 
remaining radiometric differences between conjugate 
patches. By taking advantage of the diffusion equation of the 
Gaussian function, according to which 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
og(x,s,) zd es E 
os, 2° 
the derivative with respect to the scale parameter is 
equivalent to the second derivative with respect to the 
spatial coordinate, allowing us thus to directly introduce it 
in the linearized least squares matching observation 
equations (with the second derivatives of gray values as 
corresponding coefficients in the  Jacobian matrix) 
[Stefanidis, 1993]. 
The mathematical models and matching procedure presented 
in the previous sections were tested in several experiments 
using both synthetic and real images. Synthetic data were 
generated by creating a DEM with substantial local 
inclinations (ramps, tall buildings etc.) assigning 
radiometric values to it and projecting back to fictitious 
exposure stations. By varying scale space inclinations, 
variations in scale differences among conjugate features were 
generated. The criteria by which the performance of the 
technique was judged were pull-in range in scale differences 
and positional accuracy of the obtained matching results. 
For ramp structures (like the one in Fig. 2) it was found that, 
even with excellent approximations typical least squares 
matching failed when the scale differences exceeded 20-30%. 
This range of scales is due to variations in the local 
radiometric content. Using the above described method we 
managed to match images of the ramp which differed by 
arbitrary amounts in scale. The identification of sufficient 
initial correspondences between features was the only limit. 
This task is indeed becoming less trivial as scale differences 
increase. When certain features were significantly different 
(in gray values) from their surroundings, we were even able 
to identify cases of occlusions and tag them as such. In terms 
of positional accuracy, our results were comparable to 
typical least squares matching results (on the order of 0.1 
pixel). This should be considered quite successful when 
considering that these matching accuracies refer to cases 
where typical matching methods failed to produce any 
results. The reader is referred to [Stefanidis, 1993] for a more 
detailed description and evaluation of experiments. 
The presented technique addresses the problem of matching 
under the presence of extreme scale variations. The technique 
proceeds by identifying and taking into account such 
variations, and subsequently performing precise matching. 
Considering the automation potential of matching, this 
technique is viewed functioning as a module within a general 
matching strategy, complementing matching results in areas 
in which regular matching has failed. Of course it can 
function as a stand-alone matching module, but it would be 
computationally cumbersome to perform a detailed scale 
space analysis for every single patch to be matched. The 
developed concept of profile scale space images opens a new 
direction for scale space analysis. Not only do these images 
offer great visualization potential, allowing an operator to 
check the process, but they also have the great advantage of 
being, by des 
and analysis 
complete int 
strategy very 
edge detectior 
feature tracki 
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