Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

in in optical 
approach to 
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es intensity, 
al evaluation 
gs Caves et 
ons had the 
lited for the 
ent imaging 
Geiss, 1984; 
. Among the 
nputing the 
lown to give 
1990; Caves, 
the standard 
thods based 
t al, 1986; 
ges. In spite 
n is limited, 
detection of 
obal evalua- 
(1990) and 
and a MAP 
to observe 
prior prob- 
nes are con- 
Our new approach for the extraction of linear structures is 
related to these methods, as it is based on Bayesian inference 
and formulates prior knowledge about the continuity of lines as 
an MRF. To overcome the difficulties in the detection of linear 
structures the approach integrates generic knowledge about 
lines, given GIS data and the SAR scene data. The generic 
knowledge can be subdivided into three parts. The first part is 
the knowledge about the physical appearance of lines, i.e. 
narrow, elongated areas with approximately constant image 
intensity (see above). This type of knowledge is used to evalu- 
ate the scene data. In terms of Bayesian approaches it is there- 
fore incorporated in the conditional probability density function 
(PDF) to observe scene data given a linear structure. The 
second part of knowledge about lines says that a line is con- 
tinuous over a certain region of the scene. This means that a 
line can be assumed in a location where there is not enough 
physical evidence, if neighboring locations show sufficient 
evidence. This knowledge is derived from a random walk 
model and used in the prior PDF modeling the relationships 
between pixels of linear structures based on an MRF. In addi- 
tion to the generic knowledge about the appearance of linear 
structures, the specific knowledge of the presence of a certain 
linear structure as given by a GIS is incorporated into the 
approach as third part of the knowledge. At pixels located at or 
close to where the GIS indicates a linear structure the prob- 
ability to detect a linear structure having the corresponding 
direction is higher than at pixels at a larger distance. 
As SAR data intensity is used optionally complemented by 
coherence resulting from an interferometric evaluation of a 
SAR scene pair. This feature is a step towards a utilization of 
the full information content of the complex SAR data. 
In section 2 we explain how Bayes’ theorem provides the 
framework to implement an approach to the detection of linear 
structures. Section 3 describes the modeling of the prior PDF 
of continuous lines based on an MRF and a random walk 
model for particles. In section 4 the conditional PDF for the 
local evaluation of the scene data is explained. Section 5 is 
dedicated to the computation of an optimal interpretation of the 
SAR scene by sampling from the posterior PDF. Finally, in 
section 6 the results of tests of the algorithm are presented and, 
in section 7, conclusions and recommendations are given. 
The extraction of linear structures can be based on a Bayesian 
approach to solve the inverse problem of computing the loca- 
tion of lines from the measured scene data (Oliver, 1991; Koch 
& Schmidt, 1994; Winkler, 1995). The posterior probability 
density of the object parameters given the scene data is derived 
according to Bayes’ theorem 
ole) = £25.20) e € @1) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
where £ is the object parameter vector. € contains one element 
£, for each site se S, i.e. regularly for each pixel of the scene 5. 
Depending on whether the object is described by one or more 
parameters at each site, E. can be a scalar or a vector. For the 
time being we assume that €, is a scalar taking the state "line 
site". or  "no-ine site”, ie. the ‘state: space is 
E, — [" line site" ," no — line site"). Sometimes we will have to 
refer to a site object parameter variable which takes a specific 
state, i.e. we will have to make a difference between a variable 
and its instantiation. In formulas we will express this as E,=€,- 
The scene data vector y also contains one element y, for each 
site of the scene. As our goal is the combined evaluation of 
intensity and coherence, y, is vectorial. The probability density 
of the data vector p(y) can be omitted, because it is independ- 
ent of £; then Bayes' theorem becomes 
r(eb) « role): »€). (2.2) 
The prior probability density p(£) and the conditional probabil- 
ity density of the scene data given the object parameters p(ylg) 
are to be formulated according to our knowledge about linear 
structures and the scene formation process. 
To simplify the estimation of the object parameter at a site s 
we assume the object parameters as well as the scene data to 
be MRF. A random field is Markovian, if for all x 
px. * s) = px, ax;) (2.3) 
where dx, is a neighborhood of s considerably smaller than 
the complete scene. Using this assumption, the conditional 
density of an object parameter value at a site s is 
pe. |v..2»,.96,) e pov 9v,..): pe. oe,). | 2. 
In the case of dy, = {} , i.e. independence of the data from its 
neighbors, (2.4) simplifies to 
ple,|y,.0e,) « ply,les)- ple on). (2.5) 
This is strictly true only for uncorrelated data. 
For further reasoning we use the equivalence of MRF and 
neighborhood Gibbs fields. In Gibbsian form the probability 
density p(x) is expressed as 
p(x)- ica wad (2.6) 
Y expl —H(z) 
where X, is the configuration space of X, i.e. the set containing 
all possible instantiations of X. The energy function H(x) of an 
MRF which is equivalent to a neighborhood Gibbs field is 
H(x)= X U a(x) (2.7) 
where each clique A is a subset of the scene S containing sites 
with a certain geometric configuration, and Uy is a potential of 
A. The conditional probability density at a site s results from a 
summation over the set K of all cliques A containing s 
plx,[ox,) oe cts (2.8) 
where H,(x,lèx,) BU m . Now we are able to 
express (2.5) in terms of energies: 
Hy(e,|y, dg, ) = H,(v,les) + H,(e,|0e,) ; (2.9) 

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