Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

2-D and 3-D. Because low-level feature extraction is error 
prone, we try to combine as many cues as possible to achieve 
redundancy. Our general assumption is that the complete 
roof consists of a set of planar patches that mutually adjoin 
along their boundary. Our planar primitive can have an ar- 
bitrarily complex polygonal boundary, i.e. we do not require 
rectilinear roof shapes. Considering the detection and dis- 
counting of disturbances along the roof boundary, such as 
chimneys and shadows, the remaining edges should have per- 
ceptually uniform color properties. By modeling not only the 
geometry of the roof, but also the spectral properties along 
its boundary we can handle complex roof shapes. 
In the current approach, the user is only asked to provide a 
rough location of the houses in one image, the subsequent 
3-D reconstruction is fully automatic. The combination of 
color and DSMs can provide the positions of the houses, as 
well as a rough 3-D description. This strategy focuses on 
building reconstruction, however, the concept is general and 
can be augmented to also include other man-made objects 
such as roads and bridges. 
A data set! from Avenches (Switzerland) was acquired for 
use in the AMOBE project [Mason et a/. 1994]. The data 
set consists of a residential and an industrial scene with the 
following characteristics: 1:5,000 image scale, near-vertical 
aerial photography, four-way image overlap, color imagery, 
geometrically accurate film scanning with 15 microns pixel 
size, precise sensor orientation, and accurate ground truth in- 
cluding a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and buildings. The 
manually measured CAD models of the buildings are impor- 
tant to evaluate our results. In Fig. 5A-C we show the resi- 
dential data set, including the digital surface model and the 
manually measured CAD models of the houses. The houses 
shown in the residential scene are representative for Europe 
and in particular for Switzerland. Since false color infrared 
images (CIR) were not available for the Avenches data set, 
we used an additional data set of an urban area with mostly 
detached buildings for these experiments. 
4.1 Use of Digital Surface Models 
Digital surface models are a rich source of information for 
building detection [Baltsavias et a/. 1995]: 
Building position and separation The approximate posi- 
tion of buildings can be used to guide 2-D feature extrac- 
tion and grouping, spectral classification and image tex- 
ture analysis, thereby reducing processing time. Given 
the approximate position, the DSMs provide means to 
separate buildings from other objects that have similar 
low level cues but different DSM characteristics, e.g. 
separation of buildings from roads and driveways. 
Support in matching DSMs support 3-D feature matching, 
e.g. they provide approximations and they can be used 
to reduce the number of candidate matches. 
Model selection DSMs provide information which allows the 
inference of 3-D object hypotheses in model-based build- 
ing reconstruction. Depending on the accuracy and res- 
olution of the DSM, the following information can be 
l The data set can be acquired by ftp from the authors 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
provided: approximate 3-D size and shape, distinction 
between flat and non-flat roofs, distinction between one- 
peak, ridge, and horizontal roofs, number of major roof 
planes, and the distinction between l-, T- L-, U-, and 
X-type buildings. 
Ortho-images and ortho-rectified stereo pairs DSMs can 
be used in the generation of ortho-images and ortho- 
rectified stereo pairs, whereby the latter can be used to 
detect DSM errors [Baltsavias et al. 1995]. 
When buildings adjoin each other, which is often the case in 
dense urban areas, some of the above DSM usages become 
more difficult or almost impossible. 
The extracted DSM must have high accuracy and sufficient 
density. We have used commercial packages, which employ 
area correlation for DSM generation at digital photogram- 
metric workstations in grid mode either in image or ob- 
ject space. Several blunders close to the building bound- 
aries occur, however, the results are still usable. To avoid 
loss of buildings with these packages, the DSM should have 
a grid spacing of 0.25 - 0.5 m. Such dense grid spacing 
is also necessary to distinguish buildings that are close to 
each other and to avoid strong smoothing of discontinu- 
ities. For the same reasons a small patch size should be 
used in area-based matching. Better DSMs can be derived 
by use of feature based matching or its combination with 
area-based matching [Berthod et al. 1995], by the use of 
multi-photo matching with geometric constraints [Grün 1985, 
Baltsavias 1991], or from airborne laser scanners. 
4.2 3-D Blob Detection 
Different methods of extracting 3-D blobs, i.e. possible build- 
ings, from a DSM have been investigated. Morphological op- 
erators are sensitive to the choice of the structuring element 
size, particularly in dense urban areas, and have problems 
when other DSM blobs are situated close to the buildings, or 
when the terrain is steep and irregular. A subtraction of the 
DSM from an existing DTM is simple, but DTMs, if they are 
available, do not usually have sufficient density and accuracy. 
A sufficient accuracy is essential in order to detect low build- 
ings. Edge detectors extract most of buildings outlines but 
they do not deliver closed contours. Other structures with a 
much smaller height than buildings, such as road borders, are 
also detected. 
The most promising method consists of grouping the DSM 
heights into consecutive bins (height ranges) of a certain size. 
It corresponds to cutting equidistant slices through the DSM. 
Thus, the DSM is segmented in relatively few regions that are 
always closed and easy to extract. The method can be applied 
hierarchically using different bin sizes, it is simple and fast, 
and can be applied globally or locally. The maximum and 
minimum bin sizes are determined from the known height 
accuracy of the DSM (e.g. 0.5 - 1 m) and the estimated 
minimum building height in the image (e.g. 3 - 4 m). The 
hierarchical approach makes use of coarse bins that detect 
possible buildings, while the fine bins verify the coarse detec- 
tion, provide information for an approximate building model 
and separate buildings close to each other. Results of this 
method are shown in Fig. 2. For details we refer to [Balt- 
savias et al. 1995]. 
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