Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Sylvain AIRAULT*, Olivier JAMET*, Frédéric LEYMARIE** 
* Laboratoire MATIS 
Institut Géographique National 
2, avenue Pasteur 
F-94160 Saint-Mandé(FRANCE) 
E-mail : airault,jamet 9 matis.ign.fr 
** Département S2IG2 
66, avenue Pierre Brossolette 
F-92247 Malakoff (FRANCE) 
E-mail : frederic.leymarie 9 syseca.thomson.fr 
Commission III 
KEYWORDS : digital photogrammetry, object recognition, aerial image, road detection, user interface. 
Within the framework of the French topographic database capture, IGN is looking for solutions related to the photogrammetric data 
capture automation with the double goal to reduce the production costs and to reduce the data availability delay. Since digital 
stereoplotters have been introduced in the production lines, it is now possible to integrate automatic or semi-automatic tools in the 
traditional data capture process. One of the most advanced project in the MATIS laboratory concerns the road network automatic 
extraction. We are working at the same time on very ambitious approaches, looking for a fully-automatic interpretation of the image 
and on semi-automatic approaches, looking for a short term efficiency. Corresponding to this second axis, this paper concerns the 
different semi-automatic solutions which can be built around a road following algorithm to increase the efficiency of such kind of 
approaches. It presents also what means will be used to evaluate the contribution of these different solutions in a production context. 
Dans le contexte de la saisie de la Base de données topographiques, l’IGN s’intéresse à des solutions concernant l’automatisation de 
la saisie photogrammétrique avec le double but de reduire à la fois les coûts de production et le délai de disponibilité des données sur 
tout le territoire. Dans la mesure où des appareils de restitution numériques ont été introduits dans les chaînes de production, il est 
désormais possible d’intégrer des outils automatiques ou semi-automatiques dans les processus traditionnels de saisie. L’un des 
projet les plus avancés du laboratoire MATIS concerne l’extraction automatique du réseau routier. Nous travaillons parallèlement sur 
des approches très ambitieuses, visant une interprétation complètement automatique de l’image, et sur des approches semi- 
automatiques, visant une opérationnalité à court terme. Correspondant à ce deuxième axe, ce papier présente différentes solutions 
semi-automatiques qui peuvent être construites autour d’un algorithme de suivi de routes pour tenter d’augmenter l’efficacité de ce 
type d'approches. Il présente également quels moyens seront mis en oeuvre pour évaluer l'apport de ces solutions dans un contexte 
Within the framework of the French Topographic DataBase! 
production, IGN? is looking for solutions related to the 
photogrammetric data capture automation with the double goal 
to reduce both data acquisition costs and data availability delay. 
Since digital stereoplotters have been introduced in the 
production lines, it is possible to integrate automatic or semi- 
automatic tools in the traditional data capture process. 
1.1. The French Topographic Database 
In 1990, IGN began the production of the topographic database 
which is going to replace the traditional topographic 1:25000 
maps as topographic reference on the whole French territory. 
The semantic content of this database is very close to the one of 
traditional maps with a better geometric accuracy (in the range 
of one meter r.m.s.) and 3-D coordinates for all the objects. Data 
acquisition consists of a photogrammetric data capture from 
aerial photographs at the scale of 1:30000. The need to reduce 
the data availability delay incited IGN to invest in digital 
techniques (Jamet, 19952) : a research program was started up in 
image analysis to provide semi-automatic helps to the plotting 
: BDTopo®. 
Institut Géographique National (FRANCE). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
and softcopy stereoplotters have been acquired in the production 
lines. The digital photogrammetric platform which has been 
chosen is named SAPHIR? Géo and is developed by SYSECA. 
SAPHIR Géo is a solution for high-accuracy softcopy image 
exploitation system which integrates a comprehensive 
photogrammetric and image processing package with an object- 
oriented GIS able to manage on-line geo-referenced objects. 
1.2. The semi-automatic approach 
The MATIS" laboratory is the research laboratory of IGN which 
works on the questions related to the topographic database data 
capture automation. One of the most advanced project in our 
laboratory concerns the road network automatic extraction. We 
are working at the same time on very ambitious approaches, 
looking for a fully-automatic interpretation of the image and on 
semi-automatic approaches, looking for a short term efficiency. 
Fully-automatic systems have often been presented in the 
literature for the extraction of man-made objects from aerial 
images but no system has been shown to work both accurately 
and completely with a variety of images and objects (Hsieh, 
1995). In front of the difficult problem of the automatic 
3 System for the Automation of Photo-Interpretation and Remote 
sensing data analysis. 
^ Méthodes d'Analyse et de Traitement d'Images pour la Stéréo- 
automatic ap] 
(Heipke, 199 
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1.3. How to i 
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