Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Fig. 11A,B. 
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Figure 12: The result of of the 3-D reconstruction on all 
houses in the scene of Fig. 5A. The artificial vertical walls are 
added and projected down to the ground. The ground height 
is estimated through the digital terrain model (DTM). The 
marked house is not complete, since two triangular patches 
are missing. 
In a parallel approach [Willuhn and Ade 1996] we want to in- 
corporate domain-specific knowledge about houses and house 
roofs into the reconstruction process. We think this step is 
necessary because, (1) the system should be able to deter- 
mine the degree of confidence that the reconstructed object 
is really a house and (2) some peculiarities due to practical 
or architectural considerations are common in the construc- 
tion of houses and should be taken into account. Additional 
constraints, such that decisions take place at all levels of pro- 
cessing, and that previously executed processes may be re-run 
whenever problems at higher levels occur, imply that we need 
a system more general than the standard bottom-up. We 
propose a system that is capable of iteratively activating pro- 
cedures at different levels and based on a uniform knowledge 
representation. We have chosen a blackboard architecture 
with a semantic network as knowledge representation. Due 
to the variety of possible roof shapes, all knowledge has been 
coded into rules which have been categorized into the feature, 
the structure, and the conceptual level. So far only rules at 
the structure level have been implemented. The generated 
data from sections 5 and 6.1, i.e. contours, including their 
attributes and relations, as well as the 3-D contours and the 
planes are used as initial knowledge in the blackboard. 
Future work of AMOBE includes not only improvement of 
each individual component, whenever possible, but also sys- 
tem related and conceptual improvements. 
For example, we would like to integrate the operator more 
actively into the system, especially, for those tasks where the 
user instantly can provide approximations, or model or con- 
textual knowledge. So far the operator has only been incor- 
porated in the building detection phase. This minimal user 
interaction works well for the Avenches residential data set, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
however, in urban scenery fully automatic techniques need to 
be augmented with operator guidance, at least in the critical 
phases of the processing. 
Up to now the color classification and combination with other 
cues was performed on only one image. In future investiga- 
tions all available overlapping images will be used to test the 
improvement of the classification. Furthermore, our investi- 
gations indicate that the building detection is better when 
more object classes are detected simultaneously. The combi- 
nation of multiple cues makes such a detection feasible, and 
a possible extension of our research could be in the detec- 
tion of all major classes: water, dense forest, separated trees, 
grass, bare soil, roads and other paved spaces, buildings and 
shadows. The detection of just trees, buildings and water is 
important for the reduction of a DSM to a DTM. 
The interaction between 2-D and 3-D processing has proven 
extremely useful, however, its full potential has not yet been 
investigated. Closely related to the interaction between 2-D 
and 3-D is the explicit or implicit use of object models. The 
issues of object modeling has to be investigated further [Ma- 
son 1996]. In future work we will validate our algorithms on 
other data, such as industrial and dense urban scenes. We 
also plan to improve the data flow by integrating the individ- 
ual software modules under one joint system. 
In this paper we have presented our strategies, the current 
status of research, and made an outlook onto future work. 
In the project, we have focused on the 3-D reconstruction of 
residential houses, as being the most prominent man-made 
objects in high-resolution aerial images. The approach is 
highly data-driven, exploits both 2-D and 3-D processing, and 
reconstructs roofs of houses directly in 3-D. This approach 
has proven powerful enough so that, in contrast to other ap- 
proaches of generic roof reconstruction, we can handle more 
difficult and varying houses. 
We have further shown how digital surface models and color 
classification can be combined to detect buildings and in ad- 
dition, to provide a coarse description of the buildings. As an 
alternative approach to house reconstruction, we have also 
reported on a rule-based system, which is built on a black- 
board architecture. 
The current status of AMOBE is indeed promising and future 
undertakings will most certainly profit from the ideas and 
results presented here. 
We acknowledge the support given to this research by ETH 
Zurich under project 13-1993-4. The authors would like to 
acknowledge the work of A. Sibiryakov on color segmentation 
and blob analysis. We further appreciate the support of P. 
Fua at SRI International and M. Stricker at IKT, Zurich. 
[Baltsavias et al. 1995] E. Baltsavias, S. Mason, and 
D. Stallman. Use of DTMs/DSMs and Orthoimages to 
Support Building Extraction. In A. Grün, O. Kübler, and 
P. Agouris, editors, Automatic Extraction of Man-Made 
Objects from Aerial and Space Images, Birkhauser Verlag, 
Basel, pages 199-210, 1995. 

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