Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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[Berthod et a/. 1995] M. Berthod, L. Gabet, G. Giraudon, 
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[Bignone et a/. 1996] F. Bignone, O. Henricsson, P. Fua, and 
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[Haala and Hahn 1995] N. Haala and M. Hahn. Data fu- 
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[Heitger 1995] F. Heitger. Feature Detection using Suppres- 
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[Henricsson and Heitger 1994] O. Henricsson and F. Heit- 
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[Henricsson and Stricker 1995] O. Henricsson and M. Stri- 
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[Henricsson 1995] O. Henricsson. Inferring Homogeneous 
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Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pages 13-22, 1995. 
[Kim and Muller 1995] T. Kim and J.P. Muller. Building Ex- 
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Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space 
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[Lin et al. 1995] C. Lin, A. Huertas, and R. Nevatia. Detec- 
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Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, pages 125-134, 1995. 
[Mason et a/. 1994] S. Mason, E. Baltsavias, and D. Stall- 
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[Mason 1996] S. Mason. 3D Building Reconstruction Using 
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[Roux and McKeown 1994] M. Roux and D.M. McKeown. 
Feature Matching for Building Extraction from Multiple 
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[Sibiryakov 1996] A. Sibiryakov. House Detection from Aerial 
Color Images. Internal Report, Institute of Photogramme- 
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[Stricker and Leonardis 1995] M. Stricker and A. Leonards. 
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[Willuhn and Ade 1996] W. Willuhn and F. Ade. Rule-Based 
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