Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

the univariate analysis mode corresponds and respectively 
bivariate, if by sampling strategy in the structure of a 
network also uniform, are distributed. 
Directly and indirectly submited to Fourier 
transformation, the heights values lead to the obtaining of 
spectral estimates, which in ensemble form the power 
spectrum. The magnitude of spectrum values render the 
energetlical levels corresponding to height samples, 
therefore implicitly to terrain variations, offering in a 
first variant the possibility of this characterising by 
" power " ( emergy ). Consequently, ordered according to 
their frequency in a spectrogram ( periodogram ), will be 
the frequency content descriptor and at the same time, an 
efficient and objective means for different types of the 
forms existing in the studied terrain pointing out. 
2.1 Power Spectrum Estimation 
At present, the spectral analysis uses two methods to 
obtain the power spectrum. The indirect method or the 
"standard " method ( Blakman - Tukey ) conceived on the 
basis of Wiener - Hinchine relations, which express the 
property that correlation function and power spectrum 
form Fourier paires, and the direct method ( Cooley - 
Tukey ). Im the first case the spectral estimation result 
indirectly, through Fourier transformation applied to the 
correlation function values, and the second case as a result 
of Fourier transformation application starting directly 
from the measured Zi heights samples. It is worth 
mentioning that in both cases, the use of fast Fourier 
transformation ( FFT ) procedure has a prevailing 
The direct method was chosen in the experiment, aiming 
to the easiest calculation effort. Its implementation was 
done in a program of processing which uses a fast Fourier 
transformation subroutine. 
A brief description of this method presents the following 
characteristics. The input data are represented by terrain 
heights reduced to a trend function (Zn = Zn - T ) for the 
spectrum values calculus or for the spectral density 
function. Then according to the overall strategy the Xf) 
amplitude spectrum is determined and subsequently the 
power spectrum: 
1 1 
GG) - — I X' G0 * XGU. 17 —1 XGO |? (1) 
L L 
Smoothing opperations are required because the 
estimations of amplitude spectrum will be afiected by 
errors due {0 truncate effect ( the terrain profile have a L 
limited lenght ).The smoothness can be performed at a 
level of amplitude spectrum or at the power spectrum 
level. One of the weighting methods which operates 
spatially or frequentially is used in this situation. 
lí Z(s) is a terrain profile with L lenght, sampled a As 
interval, process that issues Zu (n=0, N-1 ) row of heights, 
after their reduction to the trend function, the spectral 
lines are determined as follows: 
XGq = Aly) - jig: Cq= 0, Q-1) (2) 
vhere X(jq) is the spectral amplitude density, q the order 
of speciral line, Alg) the real component and Ig) the 
imaginary component. According (o the sampling theorem 
the integral frequency content is obtained only when fe 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
sampling frequency is conforming with the condition: 
fe > f max (3) 
Taking into account Che relation; L= (N- 1) As= (N- 1) 
/£ e, respectively f max = (@ - I) Af, in which @ 
represents the total number of spectral lines, and f= 1/ L, 
the spectrum resolution, results that the Q 7 N/2 relation 
exists at the limit of the fulfilment of ( 3 ) condition, 
between N-the number of height samples and Q9. Thus 
the periodogram must include N / 2 spectrum lines to 
describe the frequency range as accurately as possible. 
It was already mentioned that the spectrum estimations 
obtained im the first phases are affected by errors 
consequent to the use of finit profile. The limitation at a 
finit interval of variable which represents in this case the 
terrain haights is equal with a filtration in the space 
domain. Thus the terrain profile is assimilated with a 
truncate signal representing the product between Z(s) real 
signal and spatial filler. The physical process, through 
which adjacent spectral lines values, interveme for a 
spectral line due to truncation in calculated spectrum, 
having as effect the introduction of an error, is called in 
technical literature leakage ( Davenport. W.B, Root. W.L, 
1958 ). The solution of convolution with Hemming 
weighting window dm) =0.5 * [1 + cos (2mwN) Is m= 
0, N-1 applied to frequency, was used im order do 
eliminate. According to addopled solution the components 
of raw spectral lines which have following expresion: 
Ag) = As Y Zn) cos (TGn/Q) 
Big) = As X Zw) sin (Tqn/Q) 
n=0 (q=0,@-1 ) 
are ajusted by relations: 
A(0) = 0.5A0) + 0.5A(1) 
B(0) - 9.510) * 9.500) 
A(q) 7» 0.25A(q-1) * 0.5A(q) + 0.25A(q+1) 
B(q) » 0.25A(q-1) * 0.5B(q) * 0.25B(q* 1) (5) 
A(Q-1) - 9,5A(Q-2) * 0.5A(Q-1) 
B(9-1) - 0.5A(9-2) * 0.5B(Q-1) 
Then, the spectrum values are obtained using the 
Gp) = — LA? (4) + B° (q) I : (q70, Q-1) (6) 
The periodogram curve is drawn by using them, out of 
wich (ir) frequency level corresponding (o roughness is 
selected. This will be the main parameter or (fc) cut-off 
frecvency used during the filtering process through which 
the high frequency relief components are separated from 
the other terrain forms. 
2.2 Roughnes Components Filtering 
Filtering is a commonly used procedure in signals 
processing techniques. Kt comsist mainly im retaining 
the fil 
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if z1(x 
ZI mA 
only w 
to Z(n 
hb i 
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z( m) = 
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