Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

then computing the final coordinates in the appropriate 
cartographic projection. 
The method we use to match roads from both images is based on 
a local correlation which takes into account some contextual 
knowledge about the detected road : the last measured disparity, 
the road orientation and the road width are used to predict the 
image area which has to be correlated : 
e road orientation is used to compute the correlation 
coefficient on elongated rectangular areas. 
e road width is used to give more important weight to the road 
e last measured disparity is used to limit the search area 
through a maximal slope threshold. 
The coordinates transformation from the image to the 
cartographic projection is not a problem since we know the 
image absolute orientation. 
2.4. Implementation in SAPHIR Géo 
This semi-automatic road extraction method has been 
implemented in SAPHIR Géo by SYSECA. The interactive part 
of the capture process needs a well adapted environment to be 
efficient : 
e user-friendly human-machine interface, using a large range 
of input devices (mouse, handwheel, tracker ball) and 
multiple windows. 
e 3-D display of the result to have a good mean of control, 
using the DPW® software of Helava. 
e optimized hardware and software to respect the real-time 
constraint : real-time display of large volumes of information 
in both raster and vector form, real-time management of 
vector data in a GIS environment. 
This interactive part of the data capture process is the only one 
which requires such an environment. If we decide to use as input 
of this step an automatically pre-computed graph of the road 
network, this graph may have been computed on any other 
environment, with no particular specifications. 
3.1. Using the image only 
The first solution we propose to compute a reliable incomplete 
graph of the road network is based on the traditional steps 
described in the literature (Aviad, 1988 ; Gruen, 1995) : 
e road finding. 
e road tracking. 
e road linking. 
The first step is supposed to extract the most visible road 
portions using local properties. The second step propagates the 
road presence hypothesis from the previously detected road 
seeds. The last step introduces higher level constraints to re- 
construct the road network as a topological graph with a few 
Our approach may be divided into five steps (Figure 3). Each of 
these steps uses very hard thresholds since we are looking for a 
reliable result, even if this result is largely incomplete. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
road seeds filtering 
road following 
elevations computation 
road portions filtering 
road network graph 
Figure 3 : the automatic processing using the image only. 
a) road seeds detection : the road seeds detection is based on the 
shape analysis of the regions coming from a region-based 
segmentation (Ruskoné, 1994). 
b) road seeds filtering : the shape criterion used before is too 
local and we have to apply other criteria to eliminate many false 
detections. The criteria we use as a confirmation of the road 
presence are : 
e the contours around a road are geometrically organized : the 
entropy of the gradient directions around the road seeds has 
to be rather low. 
e a road seed can not be a local maximum of elevation : using 
both images, we compute locally the elevations and filter the 
road seeds using a top-hat function. 
c) road following : this step is based on the road following 
algorithm described in the previous part (road detection, parallel 
edges extraction, interpolation using splines). 
d) elevations computation : the 3-D coordinates of the detected 
roads can be computed using the same criteria as in the semi- 
automatic approach (correlation using the road orientation and 
the road width). As we work in this case with large road 
portions, it is possible to optimize these criteria along the whole 
object, using an additive constraint of regularity of the road 
slopes. The model we use looks like the active contours model 
with the opposition between internal constraints (minimizing 
altimetric curvature) and external constraints (maximizing the 
correlation between both images). 
e) road portions filtering : this step has to mix the different 
measurements which have been made along the whole 
processing to take the final decision. A supervised learning has 
been made for different kinds of objects (not only roads) in 
different kinds of contexts and it is possible to classify 
(Ruskoné, 1995) each road hypothesis and to compute a 
probability to belong to the road class. Only very high 
probabilities are kept. 
3.2. Using external data 
The other solution we propose to automatically generate a 
reliable incomplete road network graph is to use external data as 
input. In our case, these external data would be provided by a 
cartographic database, which is already available and have a 
geometric accuracy in the range of 10 meters. The external data 
could also be provided by the automatic digitization of paper 
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