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ask is the
measurement of fiducial marks and signals, mainly using
template matching. Essential in this group is that the
approximate values of points must be known in advance
or gained using manual pointing.
3. Automated methods ( AM ). The basic difference, as
compared to semiautomatic methods, is the automatic
selection of tie points and acquisition of approximate
image coordinates. In its most advanced form, the
method is practically fully automatic. In the current status,
at least the measurement of signalised points requires
human interference.
In the following, the naming of the cases has been
grouped according to the methods or measurements.
Within the ranges, the cases usually differ in pixel size
and type of block adjustment.
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne ( EPFL )
The measurements have been made using Intergraph
ImageStation and Leica DPWsystems. Both are
commercially available semi automatic systems. The
measuring resolution of DPW system is one pixel. The
adjustments have been made in all cases with additional
The BC1 and DSW100 ( with DCCS software )
measurements have been made for comparison.
EPFL1-2 Wild BC1 analytical plotter measurements
using analogue imagery. The cases have
often been referred to with the name BC 1.
EPFL3-4 Helava DSW 100 measurements. ( SM)
EPFL5-6 Leica DPW measurement. ( SM )
EPFL7-8 Intergraph ImageStation measurements.
EPFL 9- 12 Adjustments with natural tie points.
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
The measuring system was the selfdeveloped DIPS II.
The semiautomated system includes also the automatic
measurement of fiducial marks and signalised points
using automatic template matching. (SM)
Finnish Geodetic Institute ( FGI )
The used system was a selfdeveloped digital
photogrammetric workstation, where automation was
used in image matching. The matching is based on a
cross-correlation method. The block was measured using
different approaches:
1. Completely visual or semiautomatic measurements.
2. Different densities of tie points ( 17 - 34 points/image ).
3. Different number of visual observations per signalised
ground point.
4. Use of natural or signalised points as tie points
FGI 1-8 Visual observations. ( VM )
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
FGI 9-16 Points were measured visually on the first
images. On the following, correlated with
the first observations. ( SM )
FGI 17-24 Like FGI 9 - 16, but the tie points were
natural details ( no signals ). ( SM )
FGI 25-26 Like FGI 9 - 16, but all the points have
been measured visually and then
correlated to corresponding observations
on other images. ( SM)
FGI 27-34 Like FGI 9 - 16, but the number of tie points
( natural ) has been increased from 27 to
34 per image. ( SM)
FGI 35-36 Like FGI 25 - 26, but using tie points like in
FIG 27 - 34. (SM)
Helsinki University of Technology ( HUT )
The experimental system was developed in the institute.
For monoscopic visual measurements, variable
measuring marks were available. The block adjustments
were performed without additional parameters. ( SM )
Institut Géographique National ( IGN )
The 15 um data was measured using a selfdeveloped
system on a Vaxstation ( IGN 1 - 4) ( SM ). The 30 um
data was measured on a Matra Traster T10 ( IGN 5 - 8 ).
Kungliga Tekniska Hégskolan ( KTH )
Measurements were made completely visually using
ERDAS software ( KTH 1 - 4) (VM ) and
semiautomatically using a system developed in the
institute ( KTH 5 - 9) (SM). The semiautomatic system
includes template matching on fiducial marks and signals.
Agricultural University of Norway ( NLH )
The measurements were made visually using ERDAS
OrthoMAX block triangulation software. The
measurements were made without stereoscopic viewing
and area based image matching, even if they were
included in the system. ( VM )
National Land Survey of Sweden ( NLSS )
Measurements were made visually on Teragon system.
: University of Trondheim ( NTH )
The measuring system was ERDAS with the remote
sensing module. (VM)
Technical University Munich ( TUM )
The measurements were made using an experimental
system. The observations were made visually with two
measuring resolutions, 1 pixel ( TUM 1 - 4 ) and 1/3 pixel
( TUM 5 - 8 ). One control point in dense configuration