Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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GPS Seconds ri [sec] 
Figure 2: Strip 23 of photo flight Vechtel: Difference in 
northing, easting and height for kinematic GPS station 
with and without PRN13 
The linearity of GPS systematics has been investigated 
using data from ‘Vechtel'. Generally, systematic effects 
and discontinuities in GPS trajectories are not visible in 
the absolute positions, because they cannot be separated 
from the actual aircraft flight behavior (turbulence, etc.). 
An adequate tool for detailed investigation is the 
comparison of different GPS evaluations (e.g. 
independent stations) or artificially manipulated data sets 
(e.g. falsifying ambiguities). Then systematic errors 
magnify and show up. 
To investigate the GPS systematics the ambiguity of one 
satellite was falsified by 1 cycle and compared to the 
initial solution. After fixing as much ambiguities as 
possible, the remaining were forced to integers and the 
GPS positions were estimated individually for each strip 
without any cycle slip or change of satellite constellation 
using reference station ‘Meppen’. 
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GPS week seconds [sec] 
Figure 3: Strip 21: Residuals after linear regression of 
coordinate differences (PRN26 +1 cycle) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
= -2 -1 
de fd 
GPS week seconds [sec] 
Figure 4: Strip 22: Residuals after line regression of 
coordinate differences (PRN26 *1 cycle) 
Applying a linear regression to the coordinate differences 
between falsified and best solution gives an idea of the 
not modeled behavior in the GPS supported block 
adjustment. Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the residuals 
from a linear regression in northing, easting and height. 
Significant deviations from linearity can be observed, 
which amounts to some decimeters. They correspond to . 
remaining errors, which will not be modeled in the block 
adjustment and therefore add uncertainties to the GPS 
Comparisons of GPS kinematic trajectories with the 
projection centers derived from a conventional block 
adjustment show agreement at about 5 cm (Seeber et al. 
1995). Obviously, the bundle block adjustment, even with 
a reduced number of control points, can serve as a 
constraint in the determination of ambiguities in the 
combined adjustment. 
Instead of modeling the systematic errors introduced by 
false ambiguity resolution by a linear regression, which 
does not suit the GPS model, a new approach to the 
combined adjustment is proposed. Actual ambiguity 
terms are improved in the combined bundle adjustment 
using geometric GPS information and information on 
ambiguities from the GPS processing. 
The GPS and the combined block adjustment are 
performed in the general way of intermediate 
adjustments. The observation equation for the GPS 
coordinates in the combined adjustment reads 
= AB+v (2) 
It can be extended by an additional ambiguity term, 
which will be estimated in the combined adjustment 
I+A-N = A+v. (3) 
This requires, that the design matrix contains the 
complete geometric information from the GPS 
adjustment. Considering the normal equation 
xl- Qn - (AT PA) (AT PI), (4) 

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