of images is
the PAG the
consisting of
ts is control-
eir standard
ıts of layer 0
more global
the special
It is applied
Pixel Adja-
iction of the
ay value dis-
pixels then,
ally separate
structure will
is needed,
yered struc-
ramid struc-
layer repre-
ut over the
hat, second,
longing to a
ments used
gray values
fore one can
regions with
oes not use
nents in the
special class
| diversity of
xels (and no
letwork) are
ed points as
ng) and thus
yers can be
ient compu-
rk on a con-
efficient and
ty of the
In section 2 the method is explained in more detail.
Results demonstrating the power of the approach are
given in section 3.
2. The PAG and the LGN Structure
Let the image be represented by an image region of N x N
pixels (i,j) (i,j = 0,...,N-1) with the gray values gij and N =
2^ To constitute the PAG we consider each image point
(ij) and its 4-neighbours (i*1,j), (i-1,)), (i,j+1), (ij-1). Be
(i4,j4) one of the 4-neighbours of (i,j). Then it must be deci-
ded whether (i4,j4) is adjacent to (ij) or not by using an
appropriate criterion. If they are adjacent then the points
(i,j) and (14,4) (which correspond to the nodes of the graph)
will be connected by a branch. A suitable description of the
graph is given by the node adjacency list (Pavlidis, 1977)
where every node (i,j) has a list of its adjacent nodes. Now
a segment of the image is defined as a connected compo-
nent of the graph. Such a kind of graph definition was used
in the clustering of dot patterns (Jahn, 1986), and one can
interprete the segmentation method presented here as a
method of clustering the data. Crucial for the graph struc-
ture to be generated is the criterion of adjacency of points
(i,j) and (i4,j4). Node (ij) and node (i44) are adjacent, if
their gray values fulfill the condition
S nas V)
Here F is some adaptive threshold which depends on the
gray values in some neighbourhood of the points (i,j) and
(i4,j4). To specify F we start with the following considera-
tion: The visual separation of two neighboured pixels (i,j)
and (i4,j4) is more difficult if there is a big variation of the
gray values in their neighbourhood. Therefore F should be
proportional to a measure of this variation. A simple mea-
sure, which gives good results, is the standard deviation c
of the gray values in a neighbourhood N of (i,j) and (i4,j4).
To simplify the computation, it is useful to attach to each
pixel (i,j) a value Gj.j- It turned out that the computation of ©
in the 8-neighbourhood N, of (ij) is sufficient. Therefore,
E= 1,841,057 3 - (2)
Here, t1 is a threshold, and
m pas 1
ST oO : (3)
The threshold (2) which increases with noise but vanishes
if the grey values in the 8-neighbourhoods of (i,j) and (i1,j1)
are constant is not sufficient.
In order to assess the segmentation results by visual
inspection using a computer screen, the properties of this
screen and that of the human visual system must be taken
into account. Looking at such a screen one can not discri-
minate pixels with
8; — e = ly : (4)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
In general, the threshold to depends on the brightness (see
below). Now, combining (2) and (4), the adjacency crite-
rion for level | = 1 is
In principle, one could apply the adjacency criterion (5) to
the whole image. Then one would obtain a graph in one
step (i.e. without a layered processing structure). But this
has the drawback that only local information contributes to
the graph and no sufficient noise reduction takes place.
Single noisy image points then can connect visually sepa-
rate segments, and one generally obtains too large seg-
ments. In graph theory such connections between
connected components are called bridges.
To avoid (or to minimize the number of) such bridges,
averaging over adequate regions is necessary, and this
can be done using a layered processing structure. In order
to generate such a layered structure one divides the image
ij = 0,1,.,N-1 (N » 2 in every layer (or level) |
(I=1,...,Imax) into sub-regions Reg(l,k4 ko) each contai-
ning 2lx 2 image points:
Reg(lk4,k2) (k4, ko= 0,21): 2k4<i< 2(k4 +1) -1
2lko xj x 2lko *1) -1
Figures 5b,c,d show the regional partition (marked by
dashed lines) for | = 1,2,3 and N=8 (n = 3).
Let's consider first the layer 121. Applying (1) to all pixels
inside a 2 x 2 region Reg(1,k4,k2) one can attach to every
pixel (i,j) a node adjacency list NAL(1,i,j) which contains all
pixels from the same region which are adjacent to the pixel
(ij). In the image plane i,j = 0,...,N-1 the node adjacency
list NAL defines a graph with N5eg(1) connected compon-
ents or sub-segments. Using the NAL, the sub-segments
can be labeled using a graph traversal algorithm, e.g.
depth first traversal (Pavlidis, 1977). In the result of this
procedure each image point (i,j) obtains a label Lab(1,i,j)
(i,j = 0,...,N-1). All points (i,j) with Lab(1,i,j) = m belong to
the same segment m. Now, as a feature, the mean gray
value <g>(1,m) can be assigned to the sub-segment m.
Now we consider network layers (levels) | 22,3,... . Input
elements are the sub-segments m 7 0,1,..., Neea(l-1)-1 of
level |-1 with the features «g»(l-1,m). Sub-segments can
be adjacent if they belong to the same region Reg(l, k4,k2)
and if they are ‘4-neighbours’. Generalizing (5), the adja-
cency of two segments m4 and mo now is defined by
Kg (- 1,m) - (0-1, m)|
€ MAX (t, (0) e [49 (—- 1, m) ;m € N(m,, m.) ]. t4 (J) f
Here the standard deviation
c[(g U-1,m);meN(m,, m,)] ofthe values
<g>(l-1,m) is given by
6 [(g) (!- 1, m) m e N (m,,m,)]
[Ss (/- 1, m) +0 (4-1, m,)].