Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ngles of the 
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to test the 
r GPS Z12 
arranged to 
e set on the 
direction at 
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test site at a 
ite Is 3 to 5 
about 17 to 
lennas with 
limits. Fig.3 
ra antennas 
the camera 
craft is over 
vey is 0.06 
AV position 
s the ability 
The height 
nt given by 
h compares 
e difference 
the lack of 
es of flight; 
/ utilizing a 
Base 2 asa 
the PNAV 
1 7 are from 
Tighway 30 
petween the 
the campus 
site in flight 1 and flight 2 and not consistent between campus site 
and the Highway 30 site in flight 2. This is due to the highway 30 
site is about 25 kilometers from Base 2, and lack of good targeted 
pass and control points. 
As discussed earlier, in order to do strip adjustment using airborne 
GPS without any ground control we need to determine the omega 
orientation angle by airborne GPS. Previous tests have shown that: 
6, 7 à, * (a cos Ks * b sin Kc) Va + ¢ Og (4) 
where — à, — omega by photogrammetry 
©; = omega by GPS 
Q, — a constant parameter 
The. variable 4, was added as the camera's swing motion was 
Table 6 shows the results of the least squares fit of the above 
equation using the campus site flight 1 and flight 2 data. The 
standard error of 0.0005 indicates that the accuracy of & is better 
than or equal to 0.0005 radians and is acceptable for highway 
application using 1500 feet or 500 meters in flying height photos. 
Table 6 shows the transformation parameters for transferring à to 
G, obtained from campus site data. They are not suitable for the 
Highway 30 site. 
In order to test the feasibility of using the transformation parameters 
from the campus site to the Highway 30 site, a combined adjustment 
of flights 1 and 2 was done using the "Calib" software. By trial and 
error, a satisfactory solution was found by assigning different 
weights to interior orientation elements (x,, y,, f) (see Table 7), 
Airborne GPS coordinates (X,, Y,, Z.) and ground control. The 
parameters from the campus site were used to obtain à, from @g in 
the Highway 30 site strip. When these values were used in the 
Highway 30 site strip adjustment, even without ground control, they 
gave satisfactory pass point coordinates. This suggests a self 
calibration for a site (eg. Highway 30) can be used to convert à, to 
Table 5 shows the error of (K, - K;) is about 0.0005 radians and 
(6, - 65) is about 0.001 radians even though the distance between 
the camera antenna and the forward antenna is only 1 meter. This 
suggests that the relative error of GPS coordinates is better than 1 
millimeter and that D; and K, can be used to rectify aerial photos 
and also produce orthophoto. The error in ( K, - K;) is better than 
(0, - $5) because the determination of K by photogrammetry is 
more accurate than $,. 
Because of the possibility of small errors in the initial data, steps 
were taken to refine the ground control, the photogrammetric 
coordinates, and the GPS data. 
The refined data for the nine photos were then adjusted by "Calib". 
The difference in camera coordinates for the campus site (photos 1- 
7), see Table 8, clearly show that the airborne GPS coordinates are 
better than 10 centimeters irrespective of the flight altitude and 
flights. The error in the z direction of 0.7 meters for the Highway 
30 site is probably due to integer ambiguity resolution by the PNAV 
software because the Highway 30 site is more than 10 kilometers 
from the reference station Base 2. 
Table 5 shows that the difference in orientation angles between 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
GPS and photogrammetry are constant for flight 1 and flight 2 on 
the campus site. However, the orientation angles from GPS for the 
Highway 30 and campus site appear to be different. Again, this is 
because the Highway 30 site is more than 10 kilometers away from 
the reference station Base 2. This suggests the importance of 
having the reference station within 10 kilometers of the site or of 
knowing the elevation difference for two or more points in the y 
direction perpendicular to the flight to determine the transformation 
parameter when obtaining à, from Gg. 
Table 9 shows that the standard error of the fit between @,, from 
refined data and à is 0.00008 radians. The accuracy of 0.0001 
radians in Q is sufficient for drawing 2 foot contours either from 
1500 or 3000 feet flying height photos. 
Table 10 shows the difference between Ad, ^ ó;- à, of flight 1 
and Ad, = d- 0, of the flight 2. The table also shows the second 
difference, AQ,, - AQ - AQ . The standard error of AW , is 
0.00003 radians which agrees with the expected error of 0.00002 
for a height difference of 0.2 millimeters at 10 meters apart. 
The airborne GPS is feasible. The coordinates of the camera 
antenna can be determined with an accuracy better than + 10 
centimeters or better provided the base reference station is within 10 
kilometers of the photographic site. This is acceptable for mapping 
at all scales. 
The PNAV software resolves the integer ambiguity satisfactorily for 
fast static computation provided the rover receiver is within 10 
kilometers of the base station. 
Camera, wings and foresight are suitable for antenna location. 
However the tail is not. The motion of the left and wing antennas 
are symmetrical and can be used for computing the angle of rotation. 
The accuracy of the Z12 GPS receiver is 0.2 millimeters and the 
noise due to multipath at the camera, foresight and wing locations 
is negligible. The accuracy of the w obtained from left and right 
wing antennas at a separation of 10 meters is better than 20.0001 
radians. This is acceptable for 2 foot contours using 3000 feet or 
lower flying heights. 
For a block with more than one strip, no ground control is required. 
The base station has to be within 10 kilometers of the block and 
local geoid undulation must be applied to the elevations. 
For a strip, self calibration is required for transferring og to Q). 
This calibration is valid for projects within 10 kilometers. In order 
to determine the true parameters which will give true ground values, 
the self calibration has to be designed to eliminate linear dependency 
between interior orientation elements and exterior orientation 
elements, as well as within the interior orientation elements. This 
can be accomplished by a self calibration using Airborne GPS with 
a minimum quadruplet of photos (see Fig. 11); two in the direction 
of flight, one perpendicular to the flight and another at low altitude 
flying height. This self calibration can be done every 10 Km along 
the strip. Since no additional targeting is required and only 
observation in additional two photos for every 10 Km is required the 
method is economically feasible. 
Further research is required to obtain o, from wg with accuracy of 
+0.00002 radians. GPS is capable of providing this accuracy. 

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