Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Table 3: Parameter setting for the iterative procedure. 
Iteration 1 2 3 
Pixel size [um] 240/180 120/90 60/45 
Window size 13 x 13 23 x 23 | 45 x 45 
# of matched points 5 x5 9ix132|:174 
Grid interval [um] 1920/1440 | 960/720 | 480/360 
Table 4: Results of the matching procedure. 
00 rsd. # of ii rjctd 
OSU 5 6 ^ 96 12 
SWISS-2 6 9 96 12 
wy 6 8 96 0 
SWISS-3 6 11 166 18 
TEXAS 4 13 376 22 
OEEPE 12 46 734 102 
“models” with images from different strips. However, meas- 
uring exactly the same point on more than two images is not 
possible. The second reason is the relatively low resolution 
levels (22.5 um and 30 um, respectively) that were available 
for the images of these sets. Nevertheless, an overall accuracy 
of one fifth of a pixel was obtained for the TEXAS set, and 
approximately one third of a pixel for OEEPE. 
4.2 Results 
The manually measured reference points provided approx- 
imations for the matching procedure. Normally, approxima- 
tions that are obtained through an automated procedure (like 
AATS) are not as good as those considered here. However, 
preliminary experiments (see Krupnik (1994)) showed that 
adding errors of up to 2 pixels to the coordinates obtained 
from the reference data hardly changed the results. Fur- 
thermore, the main idea of the object-space approach is to 
improve the accuracy of the results by improving the math- 
ematical model of the matching, assuming that the reliability 
problem has been solved by increasing the size of the match- 
ing window. Therefore, it was decided not to add errors to 
the reference image coordinates. 
For the iterative procedure, three levels were chosen. The 
pixel size, the size of the matching windows, the number of 
matched points and the grid interval for each iteration are 
shown in Table 3. In the entries of the table that contain two 
values, the first value refers to the OSU, WY, SWISS and 
OEEPE data-sets, and the second value refer to the TEXAS 
data-set. As can by observed, the resolution of the final level is 
lower than the available resolution. This enabled a comparison 
with the results obtained by the manual measurements. 
Table 4 shows the results of the matching in the object space. 
For each data-set, the overall accuracy, the maximum residual, 
the total number of observations and the number of rejected 
observations are shown. It should be noted that in order to 
simplify the testing procedure, for each point where a blunder 
was detected (i.e., the matching diverged or converged to a 
wrong location), all the observations were not considered. 
In the case of only two images, the results can be easily com- 
pared to results of a traditional matching procedure. A stand- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Table 5: Comparison between object-space and image-space 
Object-space Image-space 
00 rsd. | rjct. Jo rsd. | rjct. 
OSU 5 6 12 7 13 20 
SWISS-2 6 9 12 9 11 16 
WY 5 8 0 5 6 12 
Table 6: Comparison between the matching results and ref- 
erence measurements. 
Matching results Ref. measur. 
To rsd. To rsd. 
OSU 5 6 2 2 
SWISS-2 6 9 3 4 
WY 6 8 5 3 
SWISS-3 6 11 4 7 
TEXAS 4 14 5 12 
OEEPE 12 40 11 31 
ard least-square matching was applied to the OSU, WY and 
SWISS-2 data-sets. The same approximations and window 
size (45 pixels) as in the object-space case were used. The 
results are compared in Table 5. Since not the same points 
were rejected in both cases, only points that were considered 
in both cases were used in the comparison. 
The comparison shows a clear advantage of the object-space 
approach on the image space approach for the first two data 
sets. Both oo and the maximum residual are smaller in the 
results of the object space approach. For the WY data set, 
there is no significant difference between the results of the two 
methods. Recalling the image contents of the data sets, these 
results are expected. The WY data set covers a smooth rural 
area. Although there are elevation differences, no significant 
discontinuities and gradient changes exist within a matching 
window. Therefore, the mathematical model of the image- 
space matching, i.e., approximating the object surface as a 
plane, still leads to satisfactory results. On the other hand, 
the two other data sets, OSU and SWISS-2, contain many 
man-made features which cause discontinuities and gradient 
changes in the surface within the matching window. Obtain- 
ing a better approximation of the surface and matching in the 
object space lead to much better results. 
The matching results of all the data sets were also compared 
to those of the manual measurements. As was done in the pre- 
vious comparison, points that were rejected by'the matching, 
were also removed from the adjustment of the manual meas- 
urements, in order to allow an objective comparison. The 
comparison is shown in Table 6. 
For the OSU, SWISS-2 and WY data sets, the results of the 
manual measurements are better than the matching results. 
Nevertheless, the matching was performed with 60 um resol- 
ution images, while the manual measurements were done on 
analog photographs (for the OSU and SWISS-2 data-sets) 
and 15 um resolution images (for the WY set). For the 
SWISS-3, TEXAS and OEEPE data-sets, the results of the 
matching procedure are comparable to the manual measure- 

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