15 pm ]
0.9 (0.4)
1.0 (0.5)
2.9(1.4) |
.4 (1.15) |
2.3 (1.1)
5.0 (2.4)
3.2 (1.5)
3.3 (1.6)
1.9 (0.9)
^M e—HÁáÓ X
he power of
orocedure in
e computer
rkably short
quite easily.
de, but it is
ff automatic
| in MATCH-
3.3 DEM generation
Finally, we want to mention preliminary results which
were attained with MATCH-AT in DEM generation mode.
We selected the OEEPE block FORSSA as a test block
(photo scale 1:4000; 28 images at 30 pm pixel size; 60
% forward lap; 20 - 40 % side lap). A DEM area was
defined in the center of the block covering approximately
the area of 2 neighboring stereo models (Figure 14). The
block adjustment ran through the entire image pyramid
creating in each level a DEM with a post spacing being
equivalent to about 30 pixel. Figure 15 shows the block
DEM obtained for 120 ym pixel size. The block
adjustment gave the same results for co and the
theoretical z-coordinate accuracy oz as recently reported
by Heuchel et al. (1996). Table 4 quotes also the
theoretical DEM accuracy cpem Which was derived by the
surface reconstruction part of MATCH-AT by using the
inverse of the normal equation system and the residuals
of the automatically matched 3D points (see details
Krzystek, Wild, 1992). Those values are better almost by
a factor of 2 than the standard deviation oz for the z-
coordinate of the block adjustment. In detail, a standard
deviation opgw Of 8 cm = 0.13 %o h was obtained for 60
um pixel size. For the 30 pm case the corresponding
value amounts to 5.2 cm = 0.08 %o h. The improvement
against the oz of the block adjustment is influenced by
the redundancy effect, since a large number of points per
grid mesh are filtered in the surface reconstruction
process. Those results are very promising in every
Figure 14: Block DEM of OEEPE Block "FORSSA"
In general, it is to be expected that DEMs derived from
more than two images by multiple-image matching
techniques will be more accurate and more reliable than
DEMs conventionally derived from two images.
Especially, in the case of a 60 % side lap this benefit
would be fully visible (Thorpe, Schickler, 1996). Future
work will be focused on optimizing that special DEM
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
generation approach. Also, ground truths will be used for
empirical accuracy checks to independently confirm the
theoretical expectations.
4. Conclusions
We have presented an integral approach to automatic
aerial triangulation which incorporates a DEM generation
process. This strategy helps the system to initialize
accurately enough homologous image patches in the
presence of large height undulations. Also, the matching
of image patches becomes more effective and an entire
block DEM can be determined using consequently the
multiple image overlap. The practical results of the
automatic aerial triangulation indicate that even with 30
ym pixel size excellent results can be achieved which are
very close to those with a high precision triangulation.
Furthermore it is to mentioned that the system was
successfully applied to a block of complex form with
many side strips The preliminary results of the DEM
generation for a block DEM are promising and indicated
an expected height accuracy of 0.1 %o h. Future work
will be focused on the system development and,
especially, on optimized matching strategies to take
advantage of the accuracy potential of the 15 pm pixel
Figure 15: Block DEM
pel | co[um] | Oz | ODEM ODEM
[um] ([pel])([em]) [cm] [em] _| [%o h]
60 ]19.1(0.31)(7.6)]| 136 | 80 | 0.13
30 | 13.5(0.35)(4.1)|| 9.1 | 52 | 0.08
Table 4: Theoretical DEM accuracy of block DEM
5. Literature
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Ambiguity Solutions for Airborne Kinematic GPS
Positioning. XVIII ISPRS Congress Vienna, 9 - 19 July.
Ackermann, F., 1996b. Some Considerations about
Automatic Digital Aerial Triangulation. In Proceedings,
OEEPE Workshop "On the Application of Digital Image
Workstations", Lausanne, 4 - 6 March.
Ackermann, F., Tsingas, V., 1994. Automatic Digital
Aerial Triangulation. ASPRS/ACSM Annual Convention,
pp. 1 -12, Reno.