e »true surface« using lated from attitude data before the first adjustment is
> derived by only a few carried out, it is desirable to introduce the original attitude
ynomial equations are data as observations in a general adjustment process. As
low frequency trends a result of this process the accuracy of the attitude data
| measurements of the could be determined and the quality of the results could
r, the resulting »true« be improved.
1. In order to derive a
>ssary to generate the
oolation algorithms are 6. REFERENCES
Zhang, W., Albertz, J., Li, Z., 1994. Digital Ortho-image
ombine adjacent strips from Airborne Line-scanner Imagery Utilizing flight Para-
ed by the simultaneous meters. In: Internat. Archives of Photogrammetry and
of all polynomial equa- Remote Sensing, Munich, Germany, Vol. 30, Part 3/2, pp.
t. This procedure uses 945-950.
ditional tie points, thus
essary ground control Zhang, W., Albertz, J., Li, Z., 1994. Rectification of Air-
borne Line-Scanner Imagery Utilizing Flight Parameters.
In: Proceedings of the First Internat. Airborne Remote
lined in Fig. 3. Al- Sensing Conference and Exhibition, Strasbourg, France,
)AEDALUS scanner have pp. 1-447 - 11-455.
eason for this is, that
ted by the German
t (DLR) in
th a special flight
je data and precisely
rovided. This data was
arch projects. But in
nd its proved functions
airborne line-scanner
e adapted to new types
nage and attitude data
of the classical orien-
ded flight attitude data.
/ case one of the most
ents for the processing
the main extentions of
| data formats of other
sociated flight attitude
eral module for the
tation parameters from
adiometric mosaicking
xchange formats.
can not be expected in
logies it should be dis-
data standard for line-
the full performance of
spect will become still
developments in digital
ch an other solution of
n is under discussion.
parameters are calcu-
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996