ital, Distortion
| Without effecting the
ested for compressing
are compared to the
vents. It is found that
r visual applications.
000 bytes of three TM
visual quality. Beyond
plications where other
s, however, that JPEG
1 visual quality of the
ralized for all images.
ct on the amount and
‘the processed data is
ittle but sufficient and
the image processing
^ the possibility of
and many other related
e solved.
paper is to study the
JPEG technique for
sensed data. This
be useful in reducing
ll images for visual
. A study was made on
( of smooth distinctive
vs that a 10% reduction
grading the visual or
1mi, and Sarjakoski,
interest to test the
remote sensing images
ons. In this study, a
tion is used where the
. Vienna 1996
effect of compression on subsequant processes
such as image classification is tested. The paper
is organized in the following manner. In the
next section, the JPEG concept is presented and
evaluated. Image classification is introduced in
section three to facilitate evaluating the JPEG
effect on the compressed TM images. The
experiment and analysis are evaluated in section
four, and the conclusion is made in section five.
JPEG is an international standard for achieving
image compression to reduce the amount of
stored data and the period of transmission of
such data. JPEG was found useful in
compressing different types of images especially
those of terrestrial successive frames (Langdon,
et. al 1992) by taking advantage of the data
redundancy in the coding process (Pennebaker
and Michell, 1988). The overall scheme is
basically transforming 8*8 pixels from space
domain to frequency domain. There are two
main processes performed by the technique,
namely encoding and decoding as shown in
Figure 1.
«—|»cr| DECODING
Figure 1. Encoding and Decoding for Image
In the encoding process, the raw data passes
through the discrete cosine transform (DCT)
function to transform it to a domain in which it
can be more efficiently encoded. The DCT
follows the following mathematical model.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
X(u,v) —K(u) K(v) xz G3)
: hà (1)
(2i*1)ux {27+1) vn
Copal rr Cose
where i, j, u, v e [0, 7], x(i,j) — (i, j)* element
in an 8x8 block, X(u, v) — (u, v)? coefficient in
an 8x8 DCT coefficient matrix, and K(u) —
14/2 for u = Oand 1 foru z 0:
Then, the data is scaled down to
lower-precision demanding fewer bits, a proces
called quantization. It employs the following
equation in which C(u,v) is an integer and
Q(u,v) is a suitable number.
The resulting data is then coded using Huffmn
representation. Such a process leads to a
compressed image.
The decompressed image is subjected to the
inverse of the DCT function and the
quantization processes. The mathematical model
for inverse DCT (IDCT) is as follows:
7 7
x(i,j)-2) ) ku)ktv)xtu,v),
u=o v=o (3)
OS (2i*1) ux os (23*1) vm
16 16
Dequantization is the opposite of quantization
presented by the following equation:
Xiu. vv) = Clu, vV) Qu v) uu)