get the trimmed tree as Tab.(25). Tab.(26) is the result of
matching, after executing distance function.
6. Conclusion
Form above theory analysis and examples, we can see
that the description based on relational data structure
makes the relational description very feasibility and
precision. The trimming approach that the paper
presented by using relational subset, one to one
correspondence and one to one correspondence between
relational subsets and unit-label table can efficiently
simplify the procedure of consistency labeling. Finally
the distance function make it possible to realize precision
It should be noticed that, as to more complex recognition
for more complex object, if selecting even more unit
attributions and relational constraints, we also can get
well simplified results. On the other hand, the idea of the
paper is popular, and it also can be used for the
recognition task using curved surfaces as units, if the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
relational data structure is structed by means of the
proper structure constraints. The trimming algorithm
and distance function in the paper are also available.
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