Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

5 illustrates that the natural principle can be best depicted by 
the operators developed in mathematical morphology and thus 
the transformation in scale dimension can be best realised using 
morphological techniques. In Section 6, some examples are 
given, illustrating how morphological operators can be used for 
transforming spatial representation from a larger scale to a 
smaller scale. 
In order to understand the nature of generalization, it seems 
necessary to compare digital generalization with traditional 
manual generalization so that an insight into the matter may be 
2.1 The factor directly driving generalization: Scale 
To discuss the problems with digital generalization, it seems 
pertinent to start with a discussion of the motivation behind 
generalization. Many researchers have spent efforts on this 
topic and identified some sets of requirements or controls have 
as follows: 
Müller (1991) considers that generalization is promoted by four 
main requirements; i.e. economic requirements; data robustness 
requirements; multipurpose requirements; and display and 
communication requirements. Robinson et al (1995) has 
identified another four elements (but called controls), i.e. map 
purpose and condition of use; scale, graphic limits and quality 
of data. Keates (1989) has also identified 4 elements, i.e. scale 
and graphic requirements (legibility) and, characteristics and 
importance. In a more detailed manner, McMaster and Shea 
(1992) identified three sets of "philosophical objectives" as 
follows: (a) Theoretical elements: reducing complexity; 
maintaining spatial accuracy; maintaining attribute accuracy; 
maintaining a logical hierarchy; and consistently applying 
generalization rules; (b) Application-specific elements: map 
purpose and intended audience; appropriateness of scale; and 
retention of clarity and (c) Computational elements: cost 
effective algorithms; maximum data reduction; and minimum 
memory/disk requirement. 
This is by no means an exhaustive list. It seems to the author 
that some kind of "generalization" (or abstraction) needs to be 
applied to these sets of motivation so that the problem can be 
simplified and useful models established. This kind of 
simplification is vital in scientific research. The classic 
example of such a simplification is the Earth being simplified 
by Newton as a point so that the Law of Gravitation could be 
To do this, some analysis needs to be carried out. Let's take 
the "quality of data" as an example. The question arising is 
“how does this factor affect generalization?” Suppose that a set 
of data is for producing 1:10,000 scale map, if the quality of 
the data is too poor to meet the accuracy requirement for this 
scale, then one needs to map it at a smaller scale. Here comes 
out the scale of map in between “data quality” (the reason) and 
“generalization” (the consequence). Through applying a 
similar analysis to other factors, it can be observed that scale is 
the only factor directly driving the generalization process while 
others can be considered as either indirect factors or posterior 
factors. Indeed, the Swiss Society of Cartography has long ago 
made it clear in its cartographic manual that generalization is 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
motivated only by a reduction of scale, as cited by Müller 
(1991). Fig.1 shows such a relationship between various 
motivations and the consequence. 
Indirect Motivation Direct motivation Consequence 
[Motivation 2 | Scale —} |Generalization 
Fig.l Scale is the only direct motivation for generalization 
2.2 A scale-driven framework 
Now comes the question: “When can you consider 
cartographic and other requirements?". To answer this 
question, a discussion of the difference between traditional 
manual generalization and digital generalization needs to be 
In manual generalization, both the simplification of the shape, 
form and structure of map features and the consideration of 
graphic legibility are considered simultaneously. This makes 
the process appear to be very subjective. In fact, this 
subjectivity is mainly caused by the consideration of the 
“characteristics and importance” of features as pointed out by 
Keates (1989). On the other hand, in a digital environment, 
data resolution could be infinitely high, theoretically speaking. 
For example, two lines with a spacing much less than 0.01 mm 
is still separable in digital database. Therefore, graphic 
legibility is not an issue for digital data itself. If the spatial data 
is only for analytical analysis, no graphics needs to be 
considered. Indeed, only when a graphic presentation is 
considered, then comes the problem of graphic legibility, 
resulting in exaggeration, displacement and other complex 
operations. As a result of this reasoning, the relationship 
between traditional and digital generalization can be expressed 
by Fig.2. 
Small Scale 
Digital-to-Digital > 
Transformation Transformation 
Large Scale 
Digital-to-Graphic | 
Ÿ Ÿ 
Large Scale > Manual > Small Scale 
Graphic Map Generalization Graphic Map 
Fig.2 Relationship between digital and manual map generalization 
The digital-to-digital transformation is driven by scale. Such a 
process will simplify the shape, form and structure of spatial 
representation and should be very objective so that unique 
solution can be achieved, given the same conditions. As will 
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