Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

These sries of 
npared visually and 
„GIS and Ex.GIS 
sumed error-free). 
s of Figure 3 are 
ie E896 and E1096 
are visually similar 
nap. The E1296 
1e differences when 
assified image. The 
nificant changes in 
d 9 as illustrated in 
e number of pixels 
and the compressed 
on rates. The ideal 
| pixels’ values for 
esents the same 
Ex. Figure 4 and 
difference in pixels 
ind the compressed 
ses from both 
e for each figure is 
'ertical axis, and to 
ne representing all 
uld have zero slope 
as the horizontal 
310% | E12% 
482 | 4105 
5445 | 5298 
10841 | 8424 
1975 | 5704 
921 | 10711 
666 | 7651 
747 | 9098 
485 | 6197 
299 | 3564 
675 | 4884 
els of Original 
pressed GISmaps. 
na 1996 
GE u AE 
PE god 
Pal 1 e 
Figure 2. Original E.GISmap as Compared to 8%, 10% and 12% 
Compressed GISmaps 

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