Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

coarse DEM 
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feature pairs 
igh reliability 
e refinement 
rder operator, 
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with a gradient 
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ar features are: 
lley which is 
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Laplacian filter 
eak/valley and 
alley which can 
Fig. 1b. An 
(GL) of the 
the position of 
nal rankorder 
(a) Linear feature string A,B,C,D along epipolar line 
after applying conditional rankorder operator 
ua jl 
Li [s 
(b) Result from convolution with gradient filter [1, -1, 0] 
which indicates the position of linear features at zero crossing 
Fig. 1: Linear feature detection with a gradient filter 
and zero crossing 
After applying conditional rankorder operations to 
remove minor features or noise, and a string of 
pronounced linear features have been detected along 
the conjugated epipolar lines, these are not always 
found to correspond to each other because different 
terrain situations give different reflections. To solve 
this problem, an algorithm must be found to confirm 
and extract the real corresponding feature pairs based 
on the similarity assessment by the theory of minimum 
cost sequence of error transformations (cost function 
There are two ways to assess the similarity measure by 
using the cost function: distance measure approach and 
conditional probability approach. The distance measure 
could be the absolute differences of attributes of two 
corresponding  primitives, therefore, the distance 
measure approach performs in a reasonable manner 
with numeric attribute values and it is the reason why 
we choose it as similarity measure. If the attribute 
values of primitives are symbolic, such as straight or 
curve for a line primitive, it is hard to justify the 
assignment of the costs for different symbolic attributes, 
then the conditional probability approach is more 
suitable for applying [Boyer & Kak,1988]. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
The cost of error transformation is estimated in terms 
of distance in characteristic space (attribute space). 
The dimension of this characteristic space is determined 
by the number of attributes of the primitives in the 
property list. The property list consists of the attributes 
of linear features such as position, amplitude and shape 
of the peak/valley in intensity profile along the epipolar 
line pairs [Lo,1989], and the orientation of linear 
features [Kostwinder et 21,1988]. According to this 
property list, a characteristic function (cost function) is 
formed, which should be sensitive enough to measure 
the similarity between two linear features. One 
possibility is to use a string-to-string matching algorithm 
which has been applied to seismic image skeletonization 
[Lu,1982], bearing in mind that seismic waveforms can 
more simply and more easily be defined than terrain 
images. According to the reliability of attributes and 
their major/minor contribution to measuring the 
characteristics of linear feature, different weights are 
assigned to the individual attributes in the cost 
function, thus offering a criterion for correspondence 
We build up the cost function for estimation of the 
"cost" of error transformation (we define the "cost" as 
distance) between two peaks/valleyson R (right image) 
and L (left image): 
+W3*|SFp-SF, | + W,*|SBp-SB, | 
The W; (the weight of attributes) can be assigned by 
prior analysis or in an experiment by trial and error. 
Using this cost function, we calculate the distance 
d(R,L) (as a similarity measurement) between the first 
linear feature of one epipolar line and all linear features 
of corresponding epipolar lines, then between the 
second feature and all features of corresponding 
epipolar lines, and so on. For the conventional 
matching strategy, the target area of the left image is 
selected to search for the best match in the search area 
of the right image only; the result may be different, 
however, if the matching is from right to left. String 
matching uses the mutual matching strategy, which 
matches not only left to right but also right to left, and 
then selects the minimum cost among them as the best 
matching and extracts it. If we confirm the extracted 
linear features again by checking the continuation of 
linear features between neighbouring epipolar lines, the 
reliability can be increased still more. Between 
conjugated epipolar line pairs, the corresponding linear 
feature can be extracted by string matching, which uses 
the minimum cost as best matching. The extracted 

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