Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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percentage of the overlap will be updated if the difference 
between the initial value and the value from the original 
resolution is over a certain threshold. 
Searching starts trom the highest level with help of the value 
of the initial bi-direction parallaxes, then a selected point 
always serves as the approximations of the next level. The 
process is subsequently repeated by the remaining levels of 
the pyramid images until the matching are successful on all 
levels including the level zero (original image), on which the 
LSM is carried out to get the final measurement. 
Point-like feature extraction and a combined matching 
A point-like feature extraction around the selected area of the 
central column of each master image (Figure 4) is executed on 
the next higher level of the original image, based on which the 
locations of the features on other levels are simply derived. 
The matching proceeds from the highest level to the lowest 
level with a spiral search within a certain range. The spiral 
search will be concluded automatically when certain indicators 
show no more hope for further improvement. Once the 
matching is successful for a feature on all planned levels, 
additional feature extraction in a small area around the feature 
on the original image, e. g. 5 x 5 of primary image, is carried 
out again to get the feature better located. The point-like 
interest operator used throughout the system is a simplified 
version of the Foerstner's (Lue, 1988) 
The reason that the feature extraction is carried out on a 
certain higher level rather than on the original 1mage and all 
levels of the pyramids is to avoid some possible noise existing 
on the original one and also to save effort/time of repeated 
feature extraction. With this approach it doesn't need to 
concern the feature's accuracy too much because the final LSM 
will well take care of it and give even higher accuracy than 
any feature extract operator does. 
Optional parameters 
The entire process of ATPS is automatic and though no 
approximations are needed, there are a number of optional 
parameters for user to choose; like which pattern (Figure 4), 
the size of the patch for feature extraction, the number of the 
features to be used, independently matching for each selected 
point or based on the info from the existing points. Once the 
parameters are defined at the beginning, the tie points will be 
automatically selected with a desired pattern and number. 
In each defined patch, normally many more features than 
needed are extracted in order to avoid loss of any possible 
features by automatically setting a relative lower threshold for 
the interest value, especially for the areas with few textures 
and bad contrast. Therefore the number of tie points for each 
patch are highly flexible to be chosen accordingly through 
using a proper parameter. On the other hand, an ordering list 
of features according to their interest values is made to let the 
best features with higher weight value always be treated first. 
It should be pointed out that some commercial 
photogrammetry companies do not want to have too many tie 
points, instead to prefer a minimum but sufficient number of 
tie points, especially for the normal areas and applications, 
even though the processing is automatically carried out. The 
point here is that the quality of the final A7 results are good 
enough to meet the requirements, that drove us to provide 
different tie point configuration patterns for different users to 
choose. Total seven patterns for tie points distributed in a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
homologous image segments are provided to give the user a 
high degree of flexibility (Figure 4). This is also useful when 
some areas fall into the water or other difficult fields like 
forest, brushes, shadows etc. Points selected from the 
additional areas will compensate the lost points in other areas. 
Quality control 
The algorithms set up several checks on their own, such as the 
history of the matching for each pyramid level, LSM's accuracy 
indices etc. An affine transformation is also applied to identify 
the possible mismatches after enough points are selected. 
It should be pointed out that no ground control points (GCPs) 
or any point approximations are needed for ATPS, though a set 
of transformation coefficients can be derived from existing 
GCPs to partly reduce the effort of tie points searching. 
Similarly, GPS data, if available, would also play an important 
role to make the searching more effective. 
Interactive tool 
Unlike AIO, ATPS can not easily reach hundred percent 
success rate all the time, a certain interactive involvement by 
the human being is often needed, especially in the areas of 
forest, urban area with a large image scale that normally 
causes a large perspective distortion. In order to compensate 
the loss of tie points in such areas SoftPlotterTM provides 
users with a very convenient tool to display three (for a single 
strip) or six frames (for two strips) altogether on a computer 
monitor to let user check the quality or add/delete any points 
The selection of tie point with this tool is a so-called semi- 
automatic one. Its automatic level depends on how many 
points (tie points or ground control points) are already exist. 
Normally, it is recommended to run ATPS first, because many 
points selected by ATPS will be used to calculate the proper 
transformation parameters to issue a prediction for any desired 
position. For instance, to add one point that is required by an 
user is to select a point manually only from the master image 
and then click a special button (“Auto Place” or "Pug Point") 
that triggers a series of calculations, including roughly locating 
all corresponding points from the homologous images and 
conducting the LSM. Then, all conjugate points will be 
automatically and precisely found from the slave images and 
simultaneously displayed on the screen. 
2.2 Results 
Total of 16 data sets with 60-80 percent overlap were tested 
with ATPS so far. All data sets were b/w, with the exception 
of one color data set. The image scale covers 1:3400, 4000, 
4300, 6000, 9600, 24000, 45000 which were scanned by 
different scanners with different formats and resolutions (15, 
22.5, 25, 30 microns per pixel) The data sets containe all 
kinds of different textures, including urban area with strong 
distortion, forest, mountain, wetland, desert area, rivers, lakes 
The average success rate is about 85 percent. Some data sets 
even achieved hundred percent success. The average 
processing time was less than a half minute per frame with 
points on nine standard positions on SGI Indigo2 with 
R4400/200 MHz worksattion.

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