Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

« . Measure manually all remaining tie/control points on 
one image. Auto-measurement will transfer all 
points to the other image. 
e If auto measurement fails, remeasure manually the 
point on the second image. 
b) Measuring Subsequent Models in a Strip 
e Set proper auto-measurement flags on. 
« Measure manually center points of stereo pair. 
e Transfer automatically points already measured 
down the center of the left image to the trailing edge 
of the second image. 
e Measure manually all remaining tie/control points on 
one image. Auto-measurement will transfer all 
points to the other image. 
e If auto measurement fails, remeasure manually the 
point on the second image. 
e Repeat this process for all remaining models in the 
Strips were tied together in a 4 or 6 image mode, viewing 
2 or 3 images from each strip. On-line bundle 
adjustment was performed in relative mode to check the 
quality of the measured tie points. Blunder detection was 
used for on-line checking of model and strip connections. 
3.3 Bundle Block Adjustment 
Bundle block adjustment was performed on the Texas 
project using all photogrammetry measurements and 9 
full control points with the assumed standard deviation of 
1 cm. Seventy-one signalized check points were used 
for empirical accuracy estimation. The estimated 
precision of the image coordinates (G,) was 3.4 um, and 
the empirical accuracy indicators of the check points 
were about 1 cm. in XY and 2.9 cm. in Z (Table 2). 
The MATCH-AT program was invoked for the automatic 
triangulation of the Texas project using the same number 
of control and check points. Necessary parameters and 
approximate locations for tie point areas were created by 
the ISDM product. MATCH-AT was run on the Silicon 
Graphics Indigo R4000 workstation using both 15 um 
and 30 um pixel size imagery. The number of tie points, 
especially at 30 um, was quite large. This gave high 
redundancy and hence improved accuracy and reliability. 
Most of the tie point areas were located on a runway of 
the Texas project with a low contrast. Therefore, the 
feature-based matching technique provided less matched 
points for the 15 um data set than the 30 um imagery 
(Table 2). MATCH-AT automatically eliminated these 
erroneous observations which occurred due to poor 
texture. The estimated precision of the automatic digital 
triangulation was 8.8 for 30 um and 6 um for 15 um 
imagery, respectively. These O, values were very close 
to the theoretical values obtained in the conventional 
aerial triangulation using natural tie points (Ackermann, 
Tsingas , 1994). 
The theoretical results were excellent, especially for the 
30 um case. The standard deviations of object points 
were equivalent to 1.1 O for XY and 2.5 O, for Z. Also, 
the standard deviations of the exterior orientation 
parameters were excellent compared to the ISDM 
triangulation results. The main reason for such a high 
accuracy is the large redundancy of the feature-based 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
automatic aerial triangulation. The mean standard 
deviations of the object point coordinates (theoretical 
values) corresponded quite well with the RMS values at 
check points. 
Very good results for the theoretical accuracy and the 
empirical accuracy were also obtained with the 15 um 
case. lt is remarkable that for 15 um no gain in accuracy 
is attained, although the ©, value is better. The 
reduced redundancy of the 15 um case is due to the low 
texture which causes decrease in matched and 
transferred points. A least squares matching might 
improve the precision and the theoretical accuracy. 
Again, the mean standard deviations corresponded 
reasonably well with the RMS values. 
MATCH-AT Results | ISDM Results 
Pixel Size (um) 30 15 15 
Matched Point Area 15.0 10.9 1 
No. of Points/Image 490 120 15 
O, (um) 8.76 6.0 3.4 
O, (pixel) 0.29 0.4 0.23 
Empirical Accuracy 
No. Of Check 
XY 71 71 71 
Z 71 71 71 
RMS X (cm) 1.2 1.3 0.8 
RMS Y (cm) 1.0 1.1 1.3 
RMS Z (cm) 5.1 2.9 2.9 
Theoretical Accuracy 
Sigma X (cm) 2.9 2.4 1:3 
Sigma Y (cm) 2.7 2.9 1.2 
Sigma Z (cm) 6.5 5.1 2.4 
Exterior Orientation Parameters 
Sigma X (cm) 4.4 4.7 3:2 
Sigma Y (cm) 2.4 4.2 3.6 
Sigma Z (cm) 3.2 3.0 2.2 
Sigma o (mgon) 6.5 7.1 54 
Sage © (ngon 7.6 6.9 3.6 
Sigma x (moon 24 3.0 2.2 
Table 2. Texas Project Bundle Adjustment Results 
Concluding, it is to be stated that the MATCH-AT results 
for the 30 um case are better than those which could 
have been attained with ISDM using only a 30 pm pixel 
size. In a theoretical scenario, the estimated precision of 
the semi-automatic digital triangulation using the 30 uum 
pixel size would be two times larger than the 
corresponding value of the 15 um data set. This is, the 
©, value would amount to about 6.8 um. Also, the 
results of ISDM mainly refer to the signalized points. 
Therefore, it is expected that the ISDM results using non- 
signalized points would end up in a O, value of about 6 
to 8 um. Thus, from that point of view, the MATCH-AT 
results of the 30 um case are equivalent or even better 
than those obtainable with conventional aerial 
triangulation using non-signalized points. The main 
reason that MATCH-AT did not fully reach the excellent 
results of ISDM with 15 pm pixel size was the drastic 
loss of the redundancy due to the poor texture. A 
remedy for such cases is to use a least squares 
matching method, which gives best measurement 
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