Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

arcs based on changing the height of their end points (estimated 
by parallax in the two images) - border and skeleton lines of 
roofs (with almost equal height), foundation lines of walls (with 
almost equal height), border lines of walls (with high difference 
of height along their length) and terrain lines (with smooth 
change of height of line). The description of every arc contains 
address information (pointers) to the subsequent arc in the outer 
contour and in the inner contour. The isolated set of adjacent 
contours contain outer contour of whole set and inner contours 
of separate areas. For outer contours is used clockwise direction 
of contour elements connection and counter clockwise direction 
for inner contours. For such definition of contour following is 
ensured the opposite direction of contour tracing on opposite 
sides of the arc. For contours lying along the outside contour 
such description produces the list of contours in cluster. For 
inside contours is necessary to scan all inside lines of the areas. 
The description of the correspondence between the areas and 
the arcs and the topological state of connectivity and adjacency 
and is ensured by pointers attached to every arc. For every arc 
are used two pointers to the internal and the external contour. 
The arc is presented as a vector with a head joint point (1) and 
a' tail joint point (2). The pointer corresponding to node 1 
ensure connection to next arc element of internal contour (in 
counter-clockwise direction) and the pointer corresponding to 
node 2 ensure connection to external contour (in clockwise 
direction). The direction of outer contour arcs is corresponding 
to internal contours (counter clockwise). If increasing the speed 
of processing is necessary to every node of arc is possible to 
attach two pointers to ensure bi - directional scanning of every 
contour but this tends to enlarge the amount of used memory. 
For the main arcs of the external contours the definition of 
external and internal contour is obvious. For the non-main arcs 
of the external contour and the arcs separating contours from 
equal level the internal contour is an own contour and the 
external is an adjacent to the arc. The pointer is used to point 
the main arc of the internal contour. In such way the orientation 
of the arc is defined and the appropriate pointer is used to form 
a contour. It is assumed that the main arc of a scanned contour 
is known when the contour is formed. For internal contours the 
pointer of the main arc is used for a connection with the contour 
from a higher level. For the non-main arc the pointer ensure a 
connection to the main arc of the own contour depending on the 
arc orientation. (own contour could be the contour from higher 
or lower level). For every isolated cluster one of the external 
contours is marked as a leading contour by its main arc. It has 
connections to the next cluster (if exist) or to the previous 
cluster (if it is not first) or to the higher level of included 
clusters. Every contour from external ring is connected to the 
next one by its external arc that is usual main arc. For internal 
contours it is not always possible to define a ring of contours 
but it is possible to find a path to them from some of the 
external contours. For the non-main arcs of the external contour 
is used an additional pointer to the main arc of the contour, 
respectively to which the first arc pointer (node 1) is oriented. 
The same rule is used for the main arcs of external contours but 
for them such pointer is not necessary to be used. In such way 
the clockwise following the external contour and the counter 
clockwise direction for internal contours from the external ring 
is used. 
To produce a hierarchical description of the image it is 
necessary to introduce additional information about contour sets 
lying inside or outside from the defined contour. To describe 
such relations it is necessary to formulate a restriction over the 
sets of the clusters. Inside of every contour it is possible to exist 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
a set of separate clusters of adjacent contours. To describe such 
type of information for every cluster is chosen a contour that is 
marked by a leading arc element (start element in the arc list for 
contour) For the leading arc elements are defined two 
additional pointers - first to the next element in the list of the 
isolated clusters that are lying inside the contour at a higher 
level and a second pointer to the list of inside clusters. 
Such approach is convenient for generation of a contour 
description from arcs and gives possibility to generate high 
level description convenient for usage in the relational data base 
The necessity of two dimensional elements description involves 
usage of corresponding type of grammar. Suitable for that 
purposes is PLEA-GRAMMAR (Feeder, 1971). A N-attaching- 
point element (NAPE) is introduced in it. The grammar is 
represented by the six-tuple (V. Vw. P, So, Q, qo), where 
VT - is a finite non-empty set of terminal (non- 
productive) elements; 
VN - is a finite non-empty set of non-terminal elements 
P - is a finite set of productions (generating rules); 
S € Vy isa special NAPE - initial; 
Q is a finite set of symbols called identifiers that form joint lists 
(of internal joint points of NAPE set) and tie-point list 
(consisting of external points of NAPE set)- identifying the 
links between elements; The identifiers could be represented by 
integer corresponding to the number of tie-points of single 
qo € Q is a special NULL identifier, that is used to 
show that corresponding NAPE from NAPE list is not 
connected to the described joint or tie point. 
An extension of grammar is used in which except traditional 
joint point for which are necessary at least two non-zero 
element in joint list a special type of joint is introduced that is 
implied connected to the main arc of the contour. This 
additional joint type is used for contour definition that could 
involve only one connected non-zero element. According to the 
above definitions the presentation for a set of four NAPEs with 
five joint points (four for arc connection and one for contour 
definition) and two tie-points is represented by set of 
components and two lists (of joint and tie-points) of the form: 
V,V2 V3 V4 (91929394 >91929394>41929344>9192939 43 
41929394 )(91929394-9:1929394) 
The terminal grammar elements are corresponding to the basic 
elements of the topological description. They are defined based 
on the order of the connectivity of the element. Two kinds of 
links are present - direct links to consecutive arcs in contour 
and links to the clusters of the same level or different levels 
(upper or lower) and with their properties as boundary of plane 
regions. It seems to be very attractive to separate the plane 
region with finite arcs and edge line properties of three 
dimensional objects but it is not possible due to the fact that 
photogrammetric image is two dimensional projection of three 
dimensional objects and the complexity of the solution is 
into ac 
be forn 
I. Arcs 
II. Arc: 
r - roof 
v - wal 
W - wa 
III. Ar 
h - wal 
t - tei 
part of 
e - visi 
In situ: 
than t 
could : 
of this 
| - left 
u - arc 
n - arc 
f - left 
g - rigl 
The di 
k - ma 
m - m 
b - noi 
i - inte 
S - nor 
d - m: 
the coi 
0 - Sin 
q non- 
It is ne 
that a 
1. Nor 
Se - en 
2 Firs 
area c 
3 Se 
dg - SC

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