Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

o describe such 
contour that is 
| the arc list for 
defined two 
| the list of the 
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of a contour 
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tional data base 
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A N-attaching- 
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), where 
terminal (non- 
minal elements 
9 rules); 
form joint lists 
| tie-point list 
identifying the 
represented by 
oints of single 
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two non-zero 
roduced that is 
contour. This 
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e defined based 
. Two kinds of 
ares in contour 
different levels 
undary of plane 
arate the plane 
erties of three 
to the fact that 
jection of three 
the solution is 
respectively as the problem of finding of the visible and the 
invisible lines in computer graphics. In general case the 
solution is very complicated but applying the restriction of 
relatively small angles between the projection rays and vertical 
planes (as walls) the presentation could be simplified. Taking 
into account such restriction the following groups of arcs could 
be formulated: 
I. Arcs without changes in height between two areas or with 
relatively low difference in slope - a type arcs separating 
different areas. 
II. Arcs with jump in the height between two adjacent areas: 
r - roof/terrain border (or roof/roof); 
v - wall edge / terrain border (or wall edge/roof); 
p - roof / wall border; 
w - wall / wall border (between different buildings); 
III. Arcs defining break in surface slope, not in height: 
h - wall / roof edge; 
t - terrain / wall edge (or roof / wall edge in situation when a 
part of the building is lying over the roof or terrace); 
e - visible edge between surrounding walls. 
In situation if nodes are marked only at that points where more 
than two arcs are connected some combination of height arcs 
could appear and should be added to terminal arcs set. The arcs 
of this type are: 
j - right arc of type wall / terrain (sequence v,t); 
| - left arc of type wall / roof or terrain (sequence t,v); 
u - arc of type single wall (sequence of v,t,v arcs); 
n - arc of type internal roof (sequence p,t,p); 
f - left part of internal roof (sequence p.t); 
g - right part of internal roof (sequence t,p); 
The different topological type of arcs is established by usage of 
different subscript index with following meaning: 
k - main external arc of leading contour of last cluster; 
m - main external arc of leading contour of non-last isolated 
c - main arc of external contour of non-leading contour; 
b - non-main outside contour arc of isolated cluster; 
i - internal arc between two different contour from equal level; 
S - non-main arc of contours from different levels; 
d - main arc of internal contour, oriented in direction to point 
the contour of upper level. 
o - single or last isolated contour; 
q non-last isolated contour from set of isolated contours or area 
It is necessary to be mentioned that not all topological types for 
different height types of arcs exist. According to this the 
following extended set of topological and height types of arcs 
that are possible are forming the set of finite elements of 
1. Non connected elements: 
Se - empty initial area; 
2. First order connected elements: 
sgrinitial outside area, containing sub areas (isolated areas or 
area clusters. 
3. Second order connected elements (one pointer to inside 
cluster list and one implied connection to own contour): 
a, - separate (or last) isolated area. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
4. Third order connected elements containing two pointers to 
the next arcs of the own and adjacent contour and one pointer to 
the main arc of the own contour, or to the main arc of the upper 
level contour for an element of type d. 
5. Fourth order connected elements (two pointers to internal 
and external contour and one pointer to internal isolated cluster 
list and one implied connection to own contour. 
6. Fifth order connected elements (two pointers to internal and 
external contour, one implied connection to own contour, one 
pointer to internal isolated cluster list and one pointer to the 
next cluster. 
The non-terminal elements set could be defined based on 
formulation of the main processes of generation of the 
topological configuration. The generation processes could be 
separated in several main steps. The image generation starts 
with transaction from initial element to sets of isolated 
contours. Every contour could converts to cluster of adjacent 
contours by attaching of areas (only by outside not self-closed 
arcs following clockwise direction). This process allows to 
form not only outside ring of contours but inside contours of 
arbitrary levels. To model the process of generating of hanging 
contours (attached in point) a zero length arc is involved (with 
coincide head and tail node points). The process of growing of 
cluster stop when the main element of leading contour changes 
to round state. As a result the main arc element of every contour 
is defined and non-main arc elements transfer to terminal. The 
last step is transition to mode of generation of isolated sub- 
contours or conversion to terminal elements. 
The presentation of different generation processes is done by 
usage of additional subscript index corresponding to the special 
activated state of the arc: 
p - generation state of isolated contour; 
© - generation state of the external contour arc; 
£ - last isolated arc by the moving external arc; 
V - scanning state of the new external arc over the isolated arcs; 
® - isolated arcs scanning state: 
% - generation of hidden contours state. 
The main group of non-terminal elements could be defined as 
set of elements, corresponding to the terminal ones. It had to be 
enlarged to take into account their different states of generation. 
It is convenient for that purposes to use subscript index. To 
every one generation process corresponds a set of the rewriting 
rules. To restrict the number of the non-terminal elements not 
only context free but context dependent rules are used too. 
The first set of rules formulate the generation of isolated 
contours and sets of isolated contours, transition between 
hanging contours and main arc element in generation state. 
Only for initial few production rules the full form of 
presentation will be used because it takes a lot of space. The 
generation of initial contours and the chains of isolated 
contours is describe by the rules: 
So 9 sgO So () > SA 0 (11)(02) 
ACTOR (3.33 
AYANT 2) ROC) Rosi) 
Ao(12) 9 AgA o 110,30,02). 
Aq(1,23) 9 Aq, (12,3) 
Ag (1,2,3) > Rap (1,2,3) 

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