This flow is called the geostrophic current. It provides for the flow to follow the
direction of the isobars ( lines of constant pressure).
The ocean are located in an oblique field of gravitational forces.The solid earth's masses
are distributed unevenly and perturbing potential of it gravity are external with respect
to the world ocean .
As a results the water medium are forced by the gravity field components,which are
directed along a normal z,g , and a tangent s to the mean sea level ( reference ellipsoid)
1.» directed toward a reduction in N,undulation of the geoid with respect of the
reference ellipsoid:
According so the acceleration of a fluid parcel
is written as ? mb Oi
rw | ; bs ; 2
a ecd uere
Sort arabs cot NÄCHTE
QV 2-$ E -4MW-4. S£-9, C3)
Qu Ll a
ct 93 et
North,east and vertical velocity components (u,v,w) are given in a Cartesian coordinate
system with z vertical so that acceleration due to normal gravity,g,is in the negative z
8,7 g IN/x = Xg; 8,7 g0N0y = -b 8;
t ^ deflections of vertical.
At | arc sec magnitude of vertical deflection the magnitude of tangential gravity force
is 57 5.10\-3 cm/sec/sec, or 5.10\-6 normal gravity g .
We have collected different types of the water moving forces (Hasse,Dobson,1986)
which are displayed in the Table 1,including accelerations due to gravity. This data
indicate that the gravity information will be some time very useful for the good
understanding of the moving forces in the ocean .
We first examine the performance of gravity information's in a planetary scale by
applying them to formation the trajectory of a Florida current,assuming that the
results of the action of gs is analogous to the geostrophic flows : the direction of the
geostrophic flows is normal to the common pressure gradient.
The Coriolis acceleration vanishes at the equator, hence below equator the current
caused by g , must be coincide the isolines of geoidal undulations N.
Based on the Goddard Space Flight Center detailed gravimetric geoid from North
America to Europe (Vincent,1972) ,the effect of gs were estimated and have been
compared with the effect of Coriolis's acceleration at the region of the Gulf Streams
Florida current trajectory with coordinates : north latitude from 30 to 37 degree,west
longitude from 80 to 72 degrec.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Un) ed [= Fp 5M