surface models for its reconstruction (Baltsavias et al,
A number of extensions to the approach are also conceivable:
e A combination of surface and CSG primitives should
be considered to provide a more powerful and flexible
modeling scheme.
e The approach is equally applicable to close-range pho-
togrammetric applications, e.g. for industrial and ar-
chitectural object reconstruction. The surface model
database can easily be extended, in particular, to ac-
commodate com posite surfaces in new domains.
Current research is focussed on implementing the surface ex-
traction methodology using CPS object modeling. The full
potential of CPS modeling is being explored, in particular,
towards definition of an exhaustive database of primitive sur-
faces. Investigations into the inclusion of additional contex-
tual information conveyed by the user are underway.
This work was partly completed under the AMOBE project at
ETH-Zürich, while the author was at SRI International, and
under the UrbanModeler project at UCT. The financial sup-
port from ETH, NFP and the URC under Entity 453308 is
gratefully acknowledged, as is that from all the "amoebe".
Both Manos Baltsavias and Heinz Rüther caused much an-
guish with helpful critique and suggestions on a near-final
draft which, however, vastly improved the outcome.
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