Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

meter. The sim- 
22216 qol) 
ot work as well 
The angle and 
in a slightly dif- 
e difference be- 
ant. This differ- 
um difference. 
a two similarity 
) each line from 
; the sum of the 
ultiplied by its 
] here in the im- 
th, midpoint co- 
shown in Figure 
tic system for 
es edge based 
test the feasi- 
Stereo pair , we 
raight lines 
ed by edge link- 
ving and points 
function is cal- 
nd points coor- 
ure between the 
ter vision, prin- 
al image pro- 
. Experiments 
g. Eng. and Re- 
; Feature Extrac- 
lage proc. 
ig John wiely 
- Sahoo P., saftani S., Wong A. and chen y., 1988. Asur- 
vey of thresholding techniques Computer Vision. graph 
and image processing, Vol 44 PP.233-260. 
-Toth C. and schenk T.,1992 Fedurebased matching for 
outomaticreyistrat ITC journal PP.40-46. 
Figure (4) edge map : 
a) Using Roberts operator 
b) Using Sobel 
c) Using Prewitt operator 
d) Using Wallis operator 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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